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ovidiu moise

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Image Comments posted by ovidiu moise

  1. The garden of Bagatelle in Paris, France had these absolutely

    striking tulips, so fleshy and full of life. I was impressed by the

    contrast with the trees... It did suggest me life after some terrible




    This is a place I enjoy going to. The calm waters, the piramids in

    the distance, the small wooden construction that almost always has

    some birds on it... The general feeling it gives me is of peace and


    Hey, you little...


    Christopher, I have some other pictures at different times of the day. The light is probably better, but the face is totally gone.

    Carl, entirely my fault, I forgot to mention the polarizer was on.

    Kevin, I also have a variation of the picture in BW... :o) and not the PhotoShop thing. The problem I see with that one is that is looses the contrast between the red dirt/stone and the overly blue sky. About the higher camera point... I do not know. Besides the fact it is probably impossible unless you use a 300mm, the higher position would have brought in the mountains in the distance and... actually that might have been an interesting composition, too. I will check it out when I go back there. Although the lack of the 300mm might be a problem... ;o)

    James, I agree with you, a little more color would have helped, and I did not want to alter it in PS.

    Again, thank you all for the comments.

    Happy shooting.

    Hold It, Junior!


    Sometimes I just haunt the city looking for something to catch my

    eye. And sometimes I find a spot that looks good enough for me to

    look for an observation point and also spend time waiting for

    something to happen. So I sat my tripod and waited. She got there

    first, probably waiting for someone. And I have a small series with

    her alone. Then, as a glimpse, the kid passed by. I had time for one

    shot only. This is it. Then he appeared, but that is another story...

  2. I bet the light was more like mid-day type, behind you only because of the geographic position on the map. Sure seems possible, even though I personally never tried...

    As far as originality is involved... it has been done before. Not identical, but close enough. Dinu Lazar (www.fotografu.ro) has a similar picture. Unfortunately I cannot remember if it is on display on one of his web sites. Paying him a visit is a good idea, though.

    It is true that even small variations from the original images might be considered nowadays original. And Razvan might have not seen the original image. So I will credit him with the idea. And I would like him to support this with further images. Happy shooting.

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