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Timo Hartikainen

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Timo Hartikainen

  1. Timo Hartikainen

    Guard Duty

    I was browsing trending photos and when I saw this one, I thought it has to be yours. I like it, very good.
  2. Timo Hartikainen


    Pentax K-5ii / Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 50mm f1.8. This is a close-up photo of a small backyard water fountain, it made me think about a fisheye.
  3. Timo Hartikainen


    Thanks Vincent. The attachment of the lens is very experimental and unprofessional; it fits quite well into one of my extension rings, but it was still a little bit loose and wobbly, so I added then some duct tape around the lens and the extension ring to make it sturdy and to prevent dust entering to the camera body. This attachment method doesn't quarantee the lens being 100% aligned with the centerline because it wasn't a tight fit with the extension ring anyway, but I guess it's good enough as I have been able to make photos with it.
  4. Timo Hartikainen


    Taken with an experimental lens, a slide projector lens Agomar 90mm f2.8
  5. Timo Hartikainen

    Spring flowers

    Pentax K-5ii & an experimental diy-lens Agomar 90mm f2.8 (slide film projector lens)
  6. Timo Hartikainen


    Thanks Pierre & Vincent. I really like shooting with the old Pancolar 50mm lens, it can give you a really smooth background or it might be a little bit busy or rough sometimes, it depends much on your shooting distance and distance between your subject and the background. I have used it now for over a year and I know what kind of results I can expect, but sometimes I still get unexpected results and I guess that's the main reason why I use it almost everyday.
  7. Timo Hartikainen

    Blue tit

    Very good! It's sharp; you can almost count every small feather, the eye is sharp, the worm is a nice bonus. If this was mine, I would try to crop it from the right side to see if it would make the composition better. These birds are quite hard to photograph, they move so quickly and are also so small, that you need some kind of telephoto lens. I have tried to photograph these little birds with manual focus gear and it's not an easy task, I guess autofocus lenses would help much with these small birds.
  8. Timo Hartikainen


    Pentax K-5ii & Pancolar 50mm f1.8
  9. Timo Hartikainen


    Pentax K-5ii & CZJ Pancolar 50mm f1.8
  10. Timo Hartikainen


    Pentax K-5ii & Pancolar 50mm f1.8
  11. Timo Hartikainen


    I couldn't see the description text under the photo title, and then I wrote the description here as a comment, but now the description seems to be there. Some kind of site error I guess, but it seems to be ok now.
  12. Timo Hartikainen


    A close-up photo of a small ship's glass fibre surface, there was a small leakage and I twisted it upside down and auto-adjusted it, which made those strange colors, and I thought there are two characters having a debate.
  13. Timo Hartikainen

  14. Timo Hartikainen

    Frog spawn

    There were lots of frog spawn, this caught my eyes, there were a dead wood under the spawn and I think it added something to this scene and I snapped a few frames.
  15. Timo Hartikainen


    This photo is from 5/2017. I think we are soon photographing this kinds of things in 2018, too.
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