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david yama

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Image Comments posted by david yama

  1. Compositionaly, I think this is a great photo. I agree with Chris, it is hard to see due to it's small size and pixelation. I would love to see this photo reposted in a larger size so I can see it again. Of the two storm over Vancouver shots, I think this is the better one because of the lighting on the buildings.


    Happy shooting,




    I would also try using a tripod and several different apertures to see if you like the different focusing effects you get. I really like the idea alot.

    Hi there.

    is nice sometimes! I really like this image, I have looked at it a couple of times now. If you would have just said you used a "soft-focus filter" everyone would have been ooh, nice ah... ; ) But seriously, I think it is a great image!



    I prefer the original. I like the open beach in front of the subject. Gives a sense of direction. I'm not sure if direction is the right word to describe what I'm feeling but suffice to say I like the space in the original.


  2. I think it's fine how it is with the fret board fading to blurriness. I would have preferred a different sheet under it, one without a pattern. Maybe try it again without the edge of the bed in the frame and with a solid background. I wish I could *see* stuff like this to photograph it's very original!!
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