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Posts posted by rothelle

  1. <p>I just been using a friends Z3200 Printer for about a year now and I am about to buy a high end printer for my studio. Never used any of the Canon printers but will like to know what do you think about Canon IPF6200. Whit the HP Z3200 I can do 44 inch for $3500, and Canon's only 24 inch for about the same price. I will look to see if Calumet has one to print out the same image I did on the HP today and match them up. Any ideals would be great. Just to let you know. I'm not interested in Epson printers. I sold the 7880 not for me or any of there larger printers. I have two friends own them and printed on them and I'll take the HP any time. Just me. But want to know about Canon larger format printer.<br>


  2. <p>Hey Jay, It's been about two years from the last time I talked to you. I had some 510 pyro from 2007 sitting around and I wanted to see what will it do in 1:500 with some HP5+ and this was no test film. I must say it's still good. Wow. I have a 1/2 of bottle as I been using more of PMK because it's just much easier to mix and toss. But 510 is my #1 out of all pyros. Oh yea Im using it in a sidekick film processor at 75 degrees too.</p><div>00T1XP-123607684.jpg.e19c572deb920cfa3dc445db3d55c8d1.jpg</div>
  3. <p>I had great luck with this place in 2006 and then again in 2009.</p>



    <p>In Beijing you can get black & white film at www.photochance.com and you can call them at 010-8434138/84033426/84044540. I was able to buy black & white film in Shanghai too. I took my own film but wanted to see some of the photo labs and shops. Most were very rude but that's just China;-0. On the IR film you will be better off bringing it. All my film were hand check and didn't have any problem at all. I even let some get X-Ray at the check in and shot it and they are great as well as the hand check. I'll be back for Beijing 2008 China Summer Olympics;-)<br>



  4. <p>As much as I love my Pentax 67. I also have a classic Zeiss Ikon 6.5x9 sheet film camera with 6 film holders. I mostly cut Tri-X 4x5 sheet film to it size for this camera. It is so cute and love shooting with it at home. When it come to printing, I just only make contact prints with it. As my enlarger is for 67 negs. But the contact prints from 6.5x9 look very good and so cute. I also have a 9x12cm that also get film cut for it. But now I play more with the 6.5x9 and both have ground glass.</p><div>00SeaL-113265584.jpg.03f739b301afdd4edf2e0a4ebcaa3e01.jpg</div>
  5. <p>What's up Darren?<br>

    I do agree with you that Fuji Neopan is one of the cheapest out of the big names at least in the Bay Area unless your buying the Freestyle stuff which I don't like that much. I went by on Monday and got 20 rolls of 100 and 20 rolls of 400 and also 10 more rolls of HP5+ and two rolls of Tri-X and Plus-X. I don't think I will give up on the Kodak but will not be buying like I use to when the others are at a real good price. Stll under $4.00 is a damn good thing.<br>

    Marc I know about Clayton F76+. But I think DDX has a bit of an edge over it as my testing shows. But any D76 is good and will always be in my darkroom.<br>

    Robert B. I think just like you that the darkroom is so so much fun then digital editing. Just my 2 cents.<br>

    Vilk, Hope now you can get the results you been trying to get;-) now you know the deal.</p>

  6. <p>Lex, Brooks, Rus, Chris, Robert and Vilk. Just wanted to say thanks for joining in and also your comments too. I will not be giving up on Tri-X and Plus-X, I just want be shooting as much as I will now be shooting HP5+, FP4+ and Neopan and Across. And I want to welcome DDX to my darkroom and move over Zonal Pro.</p>
  7. <p>Today I went to my local camera shop in Palo Alto to find that 120 Tri-X went up in price again from $3.89 to $4.89. HP5+ is now from $2.89 to $3.89 and Fuji Neopan from $2.69 to $3.09. So I did something new. I got 10 roll of HP5+ 20 rolls of Neopan 400 and some DDX film developer. I shot a few roll of HP5+ as I'm not new to any of these films. But what I am new to is I put away my PMK, HC-110 and Zonal Pro and used the DDX. I was SHOCK! what this developer has poped out of my negs. I was a die heart Tri-X and Plus-X and any thing that was not that was second or not a waste of my time. But that just might have to change. Not looking for times or ISO rating. I still have all that down as I have used these films before and from time to time I pick up one or two rolls. I maybe picking more rolls up as not only the price is rigt but the quality too.</p>
  8. <p>Before I got into the whole Pyro thing I started out with WD2d+ and 510. I love the way 510 Pyro work and was very happy with the out come of this developer. I got very good shadow and very good bright contrast in my negs and when I print it was beautiful. I think this was the best #1 pyro and all others come behind. I gave up on the WD2D+ because it was just to weak for me and never got to get the result that I wanted after testing two whole bottle. PMK was my #2 because it was easy to mix. I stop using 510 and made PMK my #1 developer to this day. Love the way it is easy to mix and use. 510 Pyro I just don't have the time to make but I can tell you this it dose last a very long time. I never follow the rules of these developers just like PMK I use it 10:20:500ml of water for 5-7minutes at 75 degrees with my films and love the look I get. With 510 I use from 1:50 to 1:200 depending on the light or the type of contrast that I wanted. I say if you have the time to make then don't give up because it is one of the best Pyro I have seen and use as I know if they start to have liquid kits for sale then I will replace PMK back to #2. As John stated it's life is short but I mix when I am ready to develop and toss. Simple as that.</p>
  9. <p>Today I pulled out my Zeiss Ikon 2.25 x 3.25 folding camera. I have had some Tri-X that I hand cut from some 4x5 because I love that film instead of the Efke. Just my style no diss. I also have a small box of 25 by Ilford that I want to give a try. Any way I took 6 shots of me with the self timer. This old thing has a self timer:D How cool is that. I didn't feel using PMK so I had some old TMax that I wanted to use the last of it and I dated it Dec 2007. So I used it and everyting came out the way it did when it was the year 2007. I think I should play more with this cute little camera. Anyone has a cool classic that is working like it was new?</p><div>00S8d7-105503584.jpg.bff881b398a0330e66207656d25ba208.jpg</div>
  10. <p>Old Tri-X and New Tri-X, I have been haapy with them both and have not have any problem with this film. To me it's one of the film to have any thing wrong with it. It's a great film that blow away any other and that is why it is still here and a fav. I have use both old and new in many developers and all I can say it get nothing but better and better. Stick with the basic and pick one film and one developer, test it every time you see a change. I never test any more as I have my one starting points and I know what I'm shooting. I stay with the same type of lighting on each roll I shoot. That works for me. This process is not that hard and getting great results are very easy.<br>

    My 2 cents! I just look back at the past and think about the great result and prints these guys made. We some time forget how much easier we have it.</p><div>00Rz45-102845584.JPG.98313ea79e5864763b65714c7c4d33b2.JPG</div>

  11. <p>For my home set up, I use a sidekick film processor that I can do 6 sheets of 4x5, 2 rolls of 120 and 4 rolls of 35mm film. I have also use this with slide and color too. But now I only been using it for my b&w film. I got lucky about 5 or 6 years ago when a lab that use to do a few of my slide film shut down. I was at the right place and time when he ask if I'll like to have that side kick and do my own slide film for free and I said yes with a $100. I use every film and developer in it and now mostly shooting Tri-X and Plus-X with HC-110 and PMK are my main developers. I still paly and use othe film and developers but I use my main stuff when I know I want to print and not play.</p><div>00Ry7C-102469684.jpg.92ad2f65d4edd0bb72c99d5fc8bf7669.jpg</div>
  12. <p>Years ago the lab I use to drop my film off when I had to many would use TMax and I love the way my negs look. The same lab sold everything and gave me a sidkick with a few boxes of TMax developer and I use that developer with every film. I got good results and made beautiful prints. I were and still am shooting 120. I never got a chance to play with the RS. I went back to HC-110, D76 and PMK. TMax is not bad and a few people say the got flat negs but I never got any of that. I just test it to my liking and made a few notes. I would use it again but I'm not going to go out and run and buy a bottle. I'm now happy with my 3 developers and sticking with them for a very long time. I like HC-110 (B) over Tmax. As in my side kick I process my film at 75 degress for 3.5 minutes with HC-110 and yes that is fast but I love the results.</p>
  13. <p>I still have a darkroom. I will always have one. I once set one up in my closet were I just did the printing and then put in a light tight tray to process. It was great and love the things that came out of it. now I move it into my studio were I have more room. I also have a Sidekick that help me to develop my negs and a nice scaner and I don't do digital prints with it only on canvas.</p>


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