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Image Comments posted by apps

  1. I love it, too. Depending on the clarity, it would be awesome in a big print - like a 16x20 or larger. The clouds add visual interest and are almost a metaphor for the dark cloud that hung over the city for...well, I'm not sure it's gone yet. Nice work!


    Very nice lighting work. I imagine you couldn't go very wrong with such an adorable subject and lighting skills such as you have! Thanks for sharing this!


    Nice natural expression. Pro Equine photographers go to great lengths to get Arabs to arch their necks and flare their nostrils for portraits. They often get impressive images, but I find much pleasure at seeing a horse with natural expression. This horse looks as relaxed as an Arab can be, and a young one yet!
  2. I look at Equine photography all the time and I'd say you have a nice image here. It works. I like the back lighting that shows up under the bellies and around the topline. I like the suggestion of trees in the background. The only thing I might do a little differently is to raise or lower the horizon line to a point above/below the center. That might add some value if doing so reveals a new perspective or if it doesn't upset the balance of light. Nice job!
  3. The depth of field is excellent. The expression and angle of the head combine to make this a wonderful portrait. The detail in the coat (well, I guess this speaks to DOF), is terrific. I have one little wish for this image...I wish the eye in the shadow was a little more illuminated. What a beautful dog!
  4. Looks like something Renoir or Cassat would capture. She could be one of the famous Degas ballerinas. I can't decide if I would crop the blue wall or not. I like what you see in just about every image you capture. I like the progression of your work. I check in on your portfolio every so often and I'm always happy to see new stuff. Thanks for keeping it fresh!

    Norwich portrait 2

    Soulful. Very sweet face, although Im sure he has the heart of a lion! I like the DOF and the little catch lights in the eyes. I have a soft spot for Norwich Terriers ever since I saw that movie Best in Show.

    3 minutes printing

    Im impressed with how tight the shot is, considering you were using a point and shoot. I love the Welcome You sign. I agree with the previous comment this is good street photography and not a cliché.

    Wary of the Dogs

    Nice! Regarding the print, if you can make out the dogs in the eye reflection, then I'm assuming also that there is no loss of detail in the dark areas of the face. On-line that detail is missing. If it's there in the print, then it makes this image even better. I'm not sure how I feel about the darker section at the bottom of the background. I was thinking maybe you could get rid of it in Photoshop, but then you'd risk interfering with the whiskers and that wouldn't do! Again - nice image!

    My favorite cat!

    It's unfortunate that the tail is cut off. I like the distinct look of the cat as it adds visual interest. I like the positioning of the paws. For fun I might like to see what happens when you intentionally distorty this cat with a wide-angle lens. By the way - he is unique and adorable.


    Such a neat image! It's worthy of a little fixup. I agree with the others about getting rid of the dust at the top. I would also straighten the horizon line. It's a little crooked. This may seem picky, but like I said - it's one of those unique images that is worthy of your time. Wow - congratulations to you for being there and capturing it!

    my son

    Oh he is precious! Great expression and terrific composition. If there was anything to be changed it might be to Photoshop out the stripes on the soles of his shoes. They compete a little bit with the true focus of this wonderful image.
  5. I just love this image - it's slightly voyeuristic :-) The subject matter is fun and I like the line from corner to corner of the frame. The image appears to have a slight curvature, which I think adds interest to this composition.

    High heels

    Kingston, I am literally laughing out loud! This is so delightful! I like the little bit of motion blur and the finger in the mouth is so coquettish. Very funny and a nice composition as well!


    I like the angle and the background is appropriate - especially for a dog with such a beautifully colored coat. Sharper focus on the eyes would help this image along.

    Dog at beach

    The expression is good, the space to the right is good, as we want to follow the dog's gaze. The composition is such that the dog's head is not smack in the middle, which is also good. I would like to see the background, if it is water or sky, brought in a little clearer. You have an element here that could make the picture even more successful. That is, the hot accent (the collar) against a cool background (the water). Also, the side of the face that is in the light is a little too washed out. Nice work!
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