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Image Comments posted by apps

  1. Nice portrait! I can see why your wife loves it! The black background is perfect for Marty. I am also partial to the fact that Marty is looking out of the frame.

    april in fall

    The shallow depth of field works well. The focus is squarely on the dog's eye, which is also what I think you want in a picture like this. If I were going to enhance this in Photoshop, I would clone out the bar in the foreground. The image is kind of moody, which is surprising for a playground. The idea of having the pet and the playground without any children in it seems to suggest something. I'm not sure what - but who cares? I'll bet there is an ad agency out there that could make the connection.


    I like everything about this image. Specifically, the colors remind me of the results of cross-processing. The absolute severe division into three (top, left, and right) also works for this subject. Did you do enhancements in Photoshop or perhaps manually?
  2. congratulations on your acquisition of the Finepix! Wish I had one! This is a fine cat portrait. The plain background works well for cats with a coat pattern. You've caught a nice expression on her face. The "ears up" (which can make or break many animal portraits) is perfect for this portrait.
  3. This is a working Australian Shepherd. She is actually a miniature

    of this breed, although she can look very ferocious and the animals

    she herds take her very seriously. Any input on this image is


  4. Hello. Frau Blucher here :-) I love the drama of this image! I like the way the image is divided into 1/3 clouds, 2/3 castle. Or close to that, anyway. The clouds add to the drama and so does the darkened door on the far right.
  5. This image reminds me of a movie set. The many shades of red have caught my eye. Of course the winning attribute is the cool accents - the blue lights. Makes it look like something is happening behind those doors! Now, an advertiser would love an image like this, because there is room on the right for text or a logo or whatever. I think you did a nice job with this! It's sharp throughout and no detail is missed or blurred. I like that in this style of photo.


    You've captured great detail where you wanted it and dramatic lighting where it belongs. It is a crisp image, which leads me to the question about how you painted it with light. Was the light hand-held or resting on something? I ask because my attempts at this were not quite as crisp and I would like to get better at the technique.
  6. I might cropt the top a little bit, but other than that, this is a beautiful image. I especially like the subtle variations in facial expressions. This image could tell a whole story. For example...The bride's face seems to speak of complete sincerity, while the downcast eyes of the groom lead me to speculate doubt - not that this is so! This is the hazard of capturing a moment in time, which you have done beautifully here!
  7. Naomi, I've been all over your portfolio today and have enjoyed every bit of it. Make sure you keep photographing your friends while they are still young and look good (me and mine, well, let's just say they don't let me photograph them anymore!). About this image, I wasn't sure at first if I liked it better than the one of the men standing in prayer, but in the end I picked this one. The reason is that the bowed heads create a sea of 45 degree angles and this repeating gesture makes this a satisfying image (to me anyway). Nice photojournalism!
  8. I would like to see the concept of Grrrl a little stronger here. I get that it is a war protest, but it begs the question of who exactly are they that protest? Perhaps there were more representational individuals holding protest signs or subtle clues to what they represent. One of the strongest images of protest are hands/fists raised in the air. That element is here, but unfortunately the hand is cut off. These are just my thoughts on what makes a protest shot successful. Still, I have to say, YOU GO GRRRRRLLL!!! Keep shooting and shooting and shooting!
  9. The word that comes to mind for me is "Parked." To this end, I think it was necessary to leave the amount of space in front of the, um, yellow parking things (I don't know what they are called). The empty space in the foreground draws the eye up to the subject. If anything, I would have stood on something and compressed the angle downward to eliminate the top - the tree is understood and having more of it on the top doesn't add new perspective or information to the image. Just my opinion, however. I like how you've executed this and since you probably didn't have a stepladder to use at the time, it was well done.

    I'm open!

    This is so funny! Photographically, I like the splash of water on the lower left-hand side and there is a great deal of detail on the underside of the wings. Congratulations to you on nabbing this shot!

    Little Prince

    He may be small and he may be nearly naked, but one look at the strength in his expression tells you he is, indeed, a little prince. Just look at how he is holding his jaw! This is an almost adult pride.

    Sky Spider

    I'm agoraphobic, so this freaked me right out! When I got the courage to really look at it, I found that I really like the motion blur in the legs. I haven't see one like this before!
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