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Image Comments posted by apps

  1. First, I admire this photo. It is one that I would stop traffic and annoy a whole car full of people to get! Second, I'd like to express what I might change. I am not a professional, however, so I would enjoy to know if more advanced photographers think I am heading in the wrong direction. So here it goes...


    Overall, I would have gone a little lighter with this print. There is a dark figure in the photo, however it is so dark that it seems to lose any impact that it otherwise might have had. The upper right hand corner seems to fade into darkness, but doesn't have any particular reason for doing so. This might be resolved with using a white border for such a picture.


    I love what the sunlight is doing in this picture and I think that by printing it lighter, the sun wouldn't seem so blown out.


    Thank you for sharing this print with us and for any input you may have on my observations!


    This photograph is successful in evoking the sense that all can be right with the world, that somewhere there really are cross-generational people who spend time together. From this sense, I like it! Artistically, I would like to have seen a shallower depth of field. The background is a bit distracting and there are enough pigeons to support a few blurry ones in the fore-ground.

    Water symphony 2


    I love the blue hue. It gives the whole picture a different feel than if it were just water over rocks. I only know what I like to look at, as I am new to photography. I hope to be able to create new moods in otherwise "ordinary" subjects. You did that for me in this photo. Thanks!


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