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Image Comments posted by jmacneil

  1. i wonder if the golden gate bridge is the subject of the week. "come on, just try it, everyone's doing it!"


    ok, just kidding, this is the third one i've seen today in the recent photos. but every one show something different, and whoever said this really tells a story is right. and you've got to love those hills at the horizon!


    this shouldn't be as interesting as it looks should it? i mean, it's only a leaf. but the effects, from the lighting i'm assuming, are great. looks like a tree with some digital effects added

    Desert bike

    i understand why people think this should be the other way around--the light's coming from the top not the bottom. unusual, but it makes it stand out and makes you take a good look at it. the size of the cyclist is great
  2. i love it. it's so surreal and real at the same time that it does feel like a dream. i think what makes it so great is the red filter. i like the edge effects, it suites what you're going for here. my grandmother sold cameras and photographed for herself; she achieved the same effects by using vasoline on the edge of the lens. how did you get this "tunnel vision"?
  3. big dali fan here. great, not something you see here on photo.net! i have to agree that the arm is too unnatural--it's too thick for the length and it bulges out to far on the left side. nice job overall



    one thing that strikes me about this is how closely it resembles a pear. i really like your metamorphosis and i think that the same idea could be applied here. take a new approach at the old comparison of a woman to the shape of a pear. by using a larger model (or doing a little work on the pic) you could make the curves a little more curvy and digitally alter the feet to become a stem. you see what i'm getting at.


    just a few thoughts...they work in my head but i'd like to see if it really would or not.

    Red Rose

    wow, very interesting technique. i never would have thought of it. i was going to comment on the lighting of the rose (very nice) but i guess it goes with the screen. the only thing i don't like is the colour of the background; just doesn't do it for me, doesn't go with the rose very well. but to each his own right?


    the thing about the shadow the way it is, is that it's equal to the glass. if the shadow was cast above the glass it would have a more imposing look and change the picture. i think it would be worth a try if you want the shadow to be part of the picture. the overall effect would be eerie with a shadow looming over a glass of brilliant blue liquid. it might even add to the question of where's the water coming from? some evil scientist of sorts? this may not sound like what you had in mind when you shot this, but the potential for it is there :)
  4. i love the subject and the atmosphere, but i think the fact that the picture is cleaved in half detracts from it. if it weren't for the topmost bird, i'd say crop a bunch of space off the top. you could always use photoshop to move the bird down below the one to the right of it, to fill in the dead space that would be created. i hesitate to say this all...i'm not sure if it would make the photo better. maybe it's the centre line that makes it stand out. try it and see though.


    anyone else have any ideas?


    i like the sand footprints, but they don't seem to go anywhere. try raising the horizon, lightening the sky a bit, and lowering the contrast a touch. i think it would help the photo.
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