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Posts posted by chad_hahn

  1. I-10 heading east has a pretty good elevated view of the Superdome and downtown. You

    probably can't park along side the interstate but if stuck in traffic, you should be able to get

    a good grab shot.



  2. "So, if you go into a store where a product is displayed, and the guy says it's good, that's

    OK. But a guy who sells it here says it's OK, that's bad. This is laughable. He sells large

    format camera gear. He sells Gitzo, Would you have a crying snit if he suggested one

    should buy Gitzo and Berlebach as well? Grow up."


    So, it's ok for the President of Whole Foods to go on the internet and disparage his

    competition before putting a bid in on the company? Giving people advice about a

    product when you have a vested interest is unethical at best and criminal at worst.


    Grow up.



  3. The best part is that with this on your head people will think that you're insane. You could

    go right up to someone and take their picture with out fear of getting slugged or yelled at.

    No one is going to chase a crazy person down the street.


    If you mumbled about the mother ship needing photos while you were taking the pictures it

    would help as well.



  4. When I used to go to Chicago I'd stay at the Whitehall. It is just down the street from the

    Ritz and I could get rates online for $100.00 a night. That was a few years ago and rates

    might not be that cheap.


    I liked the hotel, the room was a little small but it was in walking distance to a couple

    pizza joints and a good italian resturant among other things.



  5. Not all TTLs have the battery problem. I have had mine for a over a month now and leave

    the camera on all the time. I'm still on the same set of batteries.


    If the contacts in the battery compartment are recessed, like they are on the older ones,

    then the battery drain problem is corrected and the battery life is as good as in the classic.



  6. Also, the TTL shutter speed dial is larger and closer to the edge of the camera. It is easier

    to turn with your index finger and not remove your eye from the viewfinder.


    Since the shutter speed dial moves in the opposite direction, you turn the dial the direction

    the exposure meter arrow is pointing. The same holds true for the aperature ring on the




  7. Cebes I'm not sure if I follow your logic. NASA picked the Omega Speedmaster watch for

    use in space by going to a local jeweler and buying watches off the shelf. Omega didn't

    even know that their watch was chosen until well after the fact.


    Just because Joe Smith goes into a store to buy a watch or in the case Joe Sato goes into a

    lens store to buy a Leica lens doesn't mean that he's the person who works for Nikon.



  8. Hard to tell from this picture but chances are almost 100% that it's a Russian copy. If there

    were actuall as many Leicas with Nazi emblems as there are for sale everyone in ther third

    reich would have been carrying a camera. Chad

  9. I second developing the negatives your self. I also once sent off a roll to a high end place

    for developing.


    The prints were so washed out that I had to look at the negatives to make sure that I

    hadn't over-exposed the whole roll. The negs were fine, it was the printing that sucked.


    If you develop the negatives yourself and want them printed, any one hour place can make

    prints from you black and white negative for you. As long as you don't want more than a

    straight print that is.



  10. I spent two weeks in Japan and shot something like 14 rolls of print film and 8 rolls of slide.

    There is lots to take pictures of and the people are very accommodating to photographers.


    I was walking down the street and stopped to take a picture of a monk standing on the

    other side. When I finished taking the picture I noticed that a truck had stopped so that he

    wouldn't drive through my shot. Traffic was backed up behind him.



  11. I developed a couple of rolls of film tonight after not doing it for

    awhile. Instead of agitating the film every 30 seconds, I only shook

    once a minute.


    When I looked at the film the stock is opaque. I can see the image on

    both sides of the film, but can't see through when holding the film up

    to the light.


    Is this film ruined or can I re-process it? If not that is there

    anything else I can do?


    I feel like a fool for this, I even thought half way through

    devoloping that I wasn't doing it right.



  12. I don't think that you can call a Leica "just a tool". It's a fashion statement. Either the statement is "Look at this very expensive camera I have!" or it's "Look at the funky looking outdated camera I use!"


    Calling it a tool seems like justifing the $4,000 you dropped on fifty year old design that only recently got some thirty year old technology added to it.


    I don't see anything wrong with taking care of your camera. Although I guess abusing the camera is just another fashions statement.



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