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acer iddibhai on aim

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Image Comments posted by acer iddibhai on aim

  1. amazingly well done photo. some comments re. composition: on one hand i like the shadows cast by the railing falling on the left side wall etc, but then i dont see a point to all that darkspace in the lower half of the picture. perhaps you were trying to include the cityscape and 35 was the widest you had? if at all possible, i'd have gone to the water front w/ a 28mm lens and tried the same. the idea of a l-o-n-g exposure works well to blur out most of the ppl (not that there would be too many at this hour!), also the idea of taking this very late was neat, allowing you to get this w/o the streetlamps lit, and as a bonus, the moon/jupiter, orion (even the nebula!) rising above the city. good shot!
  2. Gorgeous rich black, nice midtones, and even the hilites are there! Dontcha just love chromogenic film for this? Very very nice, nice strong composition. At first I didn't like the little chimney things on the bottom, since they are obstructing the view, but on second thought, I kinda like them there. Well done.
  3. nice detail and good perpective. any reason you chose to shoot halfway out to the edge? i usually see a shot from the center of a side or right from the edge (a bit more exciting), this appears half and half. a more pressing issue, however, is the size (in pixels) of the image, a little too large in my opinion, even the medium size has a horizontal scroll. may i suggest a decent max size of 800 (1024 if you really want to) on the large dimension?

    Red Rose

    Nathan, ya, 'tis the scan. The scanning service used to be super, now it's taken a downturn. All the images were very noisy, and oversharpened during the scan, which makes the grain very apparent. the print is beautiful, but scanning a print didn't yield anything decent so had to settle of a less-than-optimal negative scan.


    try it out with 400 speed film to start with, get an idea of things. once you've gotten the hang of it, then get a nice slow emulsion and shoot seriously. the only give-away here is the rippled water surface from the insects/fish.


    Phil, yes you got it! Use that rule (+recip failure, look it up in the film datasheet) then bracket +/- 1. This was my first (and only!) attempt when I was brand new to photography. Also it's a scan from a print (and the print too was printed too light, what can i do? automated process). So ideally you'd either shoot this on slide, or scan the neg yourself. I should try this again....
  4. at first glance i feel like puking, then i find it funny! nice catch. if you get another shot, try it vertical: pig's head (never seen any animal's head sliced--that looks like an awfully clean and neat cut!) upper left corner, sausages right third of frame top to bottom.
  5. ya, nice colours, would be even better with puffy white clouds against an azure sky (vs darkish gray clouds on a grayblue sky), or with some underlighting on the clouds. looks like you've found a nice photo spot, try lots of variations (including b/w with a yellow filter to darken sky), maybe IR too!
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