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At a market in Rome.


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I have tried a few things, but they all detract from the impact of the pic as it is.





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Hey Missy. If you are going to give low ratings you could at least:

a. Give a valid email address

b. Post some pictures yourself


Quite sad really.



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I saw the humor in this shot and give you credit for spotting it. Certainly not a 1/1; what was that person smoking? I could point out a few sites that deserve ones but won't go in to that here. I like your portfolio; keep shootig and sharing.
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You are right Keith. The shot comprises the humour and the ability to see and grab the shot in a very busy market. Some of the 1/1 scores I think are some form of childish retaliation. Sad isn't it?



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Candid shot in a Rome market. I like the humour in this shot. What do

other people think?


Thanks. Brian

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I love the quirkiness. Personally, I think it could've done without the butcher - just the pig's head looking mournfully at the sausages.
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Yes I'm with Frank here. Only social etiquette doesn't allow. If only you had the oppurtunity to stand on a table (if I can I do). You could have then had the angle of the pigs head on the white coat body of the butcher. That would have really rocked this site! Nevertheless a good oppurtunist shot, says much that vegetarians use too many words for.
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at first glance i feel like puking, then i find it funny! nice catch. if you get another shot, try it vertical: pig's head (never seen any animal's head sliced--that looks like an awfully clean and neat cut!) upper left corner, sausages right third of frame top to bottom.
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