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acer iddibhai on aim

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Image Comments posted by acer iddibhai on aim


    nice photo, altho somewhat lacking in shadow detail underneath the body. you could have perhaps exposed it one stop more at the expence of sky detail, or ideally, fillflashed it.


    and an ideal candidate for fill flash to get some detail in the lower left, and in a perfect setting, I'd get rid of the distracting photos in the background. also it seems very grainy, was this underexposed? too much JPEG compression?
  1. you've managed to capture an otherwise mundane object into a fascinating picture. as others have noted, the immediate focal point for the eye is the red reflector, but then the gaze wanders around, and the brown handlebars and frame gives slight warmth to the surrounding chill
  2. the two kodak chromogenic films are known for allowing overexposure to get shadow detail while still holding onto highlites, and this proves it beyond a doubt. superb photo, and the slight sepia tone adds a lot of warmth. well done!


    well, no offence taken, but this is after all rather subjective. photography is my hobby, and i partake in making picture of what catches my eye in my spare time. as such, any folders here are snippets of time as perceived by yours truly. some are good, others not, ultimately, it really doesn't matter to me. as long as i enjoy what i do, and do what i enjoy, it's all good. regards,


    no, the other shots are taken with regular 35mm camera prime lenses. this shot and the eclipse shot taken with an 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope (otherwise know as HUGE mirror/catadioptric lens). effective focal length 2000mm (two thousand mm), effective aperture f/10. camera hooked to tele using T-mount adaptor.
  3. at first i thought it was a dbl exp till chris corrected me. nicely done. i still dont understand this: how is it that you managed to capture a waning gibbous moon--only visible starting a few hours after sunset--in an otherwise daytime-to-sunset looking shot?
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