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Monday in Nature October 31, 2016

Laura Weishaupt

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<p><strong>Basic Guidelines</strong>: Nature based subject matter. Please, declare captive subjects. Keep your image at/under 1000 pixels on the long axis for in-line viewing. Note that this includes photos hosted off-site at Flicker, Photobucket, your own site, etc. Feel free to link your image to a larger version. <strong><em>In the strictest sense, nature photography should not include hand of man elements. Please refrain from images with obvious buildings or large man made structures like roads, fences, walls. Minimize man made features and keep the focus on nature. </em></strong><br>

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<strong><em>Are you new to this thread? We post one image per week. For more details on guidelines please read <a href="/nature-photography-forum/00cgtY">this </a>helpful information. </em></strong><br>

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<p>Halloween Greetings,<br>

Good Morning. It's a day for tricks and treats. For every bowl of brightly wrapped candy for the little masked ones at your door, there is a trickster in nature, and a treat on many a vine and bush. Wild raspberries grapes and hickory nuts are treats for nature photographers and squirrels alike. A mirage in the desert plays visual tricks. A rust mimics a flower and tricks the insects into spreading it around. Catbirds really sound like a cat and trick feline lovers. Birds of Paradise don spectacular costume and are a treat for the eyes.</p>

<p>Maybe the best treat of all is the new 1000 pixel size for images across all forums. The opener today is a fine treat from the fall season woodlands. <em>Lepiota procera</em> is a treat worth waiting for. What do you have for Monday in Nature? Tricks or treats.</p><div>00eD2V-566167884.thumb.JPG.44054b812a1f0e7cef2a1bb99fac3a99.JPG</div>

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<p><strong>Goodbye Cruel World!</strong></p>

<p><a title="Goodbye Cruel World!" href=" Goodbye Cruel World!!! data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/6/5478/30351514960_8a729f29d1_c.jpg" alt="Goodbye Cruel World" width="800" height="800" /></a></p>

<p>Given the puny sizes allowed here on PN, you can barely see the eye of a shad as it catches its very last glimpse of sunlight on the way down the American white pelican's gullet. If you'd like to see it large, click on the image and that'll take you to Flickr, where you can take it up to full-screen.</p>

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<p>This (treat) is from outside of Bridgeport, Ca. Woke up and all the cars were covered in frost. Fortunately, I had enough wits not to put effort into camping....and the elevation was the give away. The plumage is from one of the cruising falcons (kastrel ?).</p>

<p>But, I'm still tricked by the ads every other photo....was that the trade off for 1000 pixels ?</p>



<IMG SRC="http://static.photo.net/attachments/bboard/00e/00eD52-566173884.jpg">


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<p>To my knowledge there was no trade off for 1000 pixels. Some things were changed at the same time. Please see <a href="/site-help-forum/00eCfm">this</a> thread about the pixel size as well as other items of interest such as ads. Subscribers see far fewer ads. Site Help is a better place to discuss it, if one feels the need or desire.</p>

<p>Rod, glad you enjoy the party. You're in good company.</p>

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<p>Slightly off the nature topic, I'd like to say that if the ads are the tradeoff for 1000 pixels, I'm OK with it, because the old sidebar ads sometimes covered the text, and sometimes insisted on loading fully before any other text or images would appear. The new system seems to be working pretty well. </p>
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