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<p>I have seen Glenn's first series of possible new "forums" : <strong>Abstract, Drone, Landscape and Macro</strong>, which sound interesting and I love the idea of a <strong>"Master Photographers"</strong> forum, if it could include not only history of photography, but also of other forms of art.</p>

<p>I'm missing a forum which takes up the very interesting suggestions, that have been discussed the last weeks or so, on a specific forum for group discussions. In my view it would demand another setup than the traditional forums with chronological presentation of comments, but could be a forum with a sequential order linked to specific photos. Logically it could be called "<strong>Photo Forum</strong>".</p>

<p>But I will have to comment on the question of an <strong>Off Topic</strong> forum.</p>

<p>I agree with Michael, that we are probably many who learned a lot from the discussions, that very happening in the old Off Topic forum. It was also one of the more active places on Photonet, where members found each other to debate topics, which interested many and we all could benefitt from information and viewpoints of people with very different backgrounds. A multicultural space of exchange and sharing. All subjects were discussed, from war and peace to food and pier-making. </p>

<p>It is right, that there were some ugly examples of abuse, but my experience was, that either abusive comments were deleted by good moderators fairly rapidly, and abusing contributors were ,in some cases, excluded and invited to take a rest somewhere outside the forum, or the threat was closed rapidly without much ado. It demanded an active moderator, which I know is not easy to find and motivate. And, it should be said again, abuse happens in other forums too, as we all know.</p>

<p>Discussions should indeed remain civil, good spirited and comply with PN rules. The rules are already there for all to read and do not need to changed as far as I can see.</p>

<p>I would however, strongly suggest not to start making lists of banned topics. The list would be without end and subject to continuous contestation and especially it would create confusion. You simple cannot make a general rule that "politics" is off limit (everything is politics now a-days even food preferences and making. You cannot leave out "religion" either, which would be everything spiritual, which can be found in most of our photos. Same goes for ideology. We had experience in the old Off Topic forum of some more restricted subject were banned for a cooling-off period, like, if I remember right: guns and abortion. But such bans such I would propose limited and used parsimoniously at the discretion of the moderator.<br>

You can however ban trolds for entering the territory, like you already do in other forums.</p>

<p>Some members would surely be uncomfortable with some viewpoints and some subject in such a forum, but that we already have good experiences in dealing with, when it comes to nudity on Photonet. The whole off-topic forum could have a Warning (or filter) so that members who would like not to be provoked by specific subjects and opinions, that they might dislike or even be chocked by, can chose not to enter.</p>

<p>It has been suggested to find a new name for such a new Off-Topic forum. I might suggest for example: "<strong>Topic talk</strong>" or "<strong>Agora" - </strong>but personally I would keep the old term, which we have become familiar with: <strong>"Off Topic".</strong></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I just checked out the four categories and wonder if there will be a description or explanation of the types of threads that will be accepted by moderators as explained similarly in existing categories.</p>

<p>Michael Linder posted in the first Abstract Photography thread with doubts about whether what he's asking should be in the Philosophy Of Photography forum as an example.</p>

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<p>My thought was for now they are open for interpretation (of course, p.netter should be using best judgement). We could provide guidelines, but thought we'd see how they were used initially - if there is an obvious thread in the wrong spot we'll make the move, but why don't we see how these get used before we put on a restrictor plate. </p>
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<p>Michael, I remember a text from Glenn telling, that the Off Topic forum's reintroduction in 2.0 was off. Nothing tells me however, that it could not be on the agenda, as a serious suggestion to discuss, for version 3.0.<br>

I understood Glenn's upbeat invitation above as a sign in that direction: "<em>Hello All - we would like to get feedback from you on forums you would like to add</em>".</p>

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<p>Michael, if I was Glenn, which I'm definitely not, I would have done the same and start with Abstract, Drone, Landscape and Macro fora, and having Master of Photography in line too (if I understand right). <br>

The question on an Off Topic forum is surely a less easy suggestion to consider. Patience, patience..</p>

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<p>Just on a historical note, the Nature forum has always welcomes posts on Landacape Photography as well as Macro Photography (which is usually nature related). Why that forum isn't used by those who want to discuss those topics is another question entirely of course.</p>

<p>My experience with forums (which dates back to the days of rec.photo on Usenet in the 80s and 90s) is that people often want forums so that can read more about a topic that write about it. That, of course, doesn't lead to the desired outcome, so if you ask for a forum, please do your post to post to it on a regular basis.</p>

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<p>We could provide guidelines, but thought we'd see how they were used initially - if there is an obvious thread in the wrong spot we'll make the move, but why don't we see how these get used before we put on a restrictor plate.</p>


<p>Thanks for the explanation, Glenn. Since I've been a member here I've never started a thread in a new category that wasn't specifically defined so this is all new to me. Older established categories gave me some idea and motivation to initiate a topic. It's just feels unusual not having rules here.</p>

<p>I mean even in this thread I was automatically admonished with an entry error for posting using more than one exclamation point for the word 'DUH'. Wow! If that can be setup automatically I don't see why it couldn't be used for the Off Topic forum where certain buzz words could be flagged to stop the user from posting.</p>

<p>So back on topic what I'm gathering from the Macro category is that it can function similarly to the Nature or No Words forum where anyone can start a thread with either a question or FYI related to the category or post an image that relates to that type of photography. I'm not sure on whether critiquing such images is allowed over just posting an image in answer to the topic and asking questions or giving background on how it was shot.</p>

<p>Macro and Abstract can be one in the same type of image regardless if it's nature or objects found in the home.</p>

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<p>Rather than a forum dedicated to drone use, I'd rather see something more generic that can include all camera usage which aren't controlled by a camera physically in the operator's hands. </p>

<p>This way it can include dashcams, inspection cameras, robocams on wheels, endoscope cameras etc., and of course, drones. </p>

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<p>Great ideas! I'm looking forward to being lured back into the PN family after a long hiatus. I'm kind of excited about Julie H's photo blog suggestion as I am as much a writer as I am a photographer although, for me, they are intrinsically linked. My only suggestion would be for a forum that included time-lapse techniques, discussion and equipment (sliders, jibs, etc.)<br /><br />Now I'm off to check out the new forums. Thanks Glenn!</p>
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If you can work on allowing images of larger than 700 size it would be more welcoming to this poster. A small bit for the greater enjoyment. Let the past not be prologue. I too miss the fun of the hurly burly of the Off Topic Forum. Though I did not have to moderate it, that is true. I hope the signs of life are promising on the old site. Little fixes can add up. And enough have been suggested when the calls went out. Infrastructure wise I am thinking..get rid of dissatisfiers like the https vs http stumble biz for links.
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<p>I agree with Gerry regarding the 700px limit. Having to resize images already made web ready for the rest of the internet, just to post them to PN, is a significant impediment. I've looked at a few threads in the new macro forum and considered posting an image but not done so because of the 700 px limit.</p>
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<p>Jin worked his magic and the macro photography forum 700 pixel limitation has been adjusted upwards to 1000 - lets see how that looks and is received, changes should be pushed shortly. Thinking no words forum as well!?</p>
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