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Pulling Slow Films


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<p>I`d like to play around with pulling slow films, down to the ISO 6-15 area. The goal being to get low grain, and extra sharp images. Does anyone have any recommendations? I would like to try Adox CMS II, but, other than that I really don't know what else to try. I'll be shooting 35mm and 120 (6x12). -Developers would be great to hear about too!<br>

Thanks in advance,<br>

John Cox</p>

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<p>I have shot a number of slow(ish) films and doenrated them, e.g. Fuji Acros 100, TMX 100 and Ilford FP4 down to 50 ASA. I use Rodinal, not a fine grain developer, bu at those speeds and certainly in medium format, grain isn't an issue. However, for fine grain I would suggest Ilford Perceptol.</p>
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<p>Many negative films will do better with a little more exposure, and normal developing.</p>

<p>As well as I know, you don't get finer grain from overexposing and underdeveloping. </p>

<p>Pan F+ is ISO 50, expose at 25 or 15 if you like. Maybe a tiny bit less development.</p>

-- glen

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<p>It seems that using the zone system, it isn't unusual to pull films to reduce contrast and get more zones into the negative. This is called N-1 or even N-2.</p>

<p>To do this, one must calibrate their whole exposure and processing system, including choice of developer, and determine an appropriate EI. </p>

<p>Otherwise, it is very easy when pulling to get no image, or almost no image. </p>

<p>E6 has times or temperatures for both push and pull processing:</p>


-- glen

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