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Monday in Nature Weekly Photo Nov. 24, 2014

Laura Weishaupt

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<p><strong>Basic Guidelines</strong>: Nature based subject matter. Please, declare captive subjects. Keep your image at/under 700 pixels on the long axis for in-line viewing and try to keep file size under 300kb. Note that this includes photos hosted off-site at Flicker, Photobucket, your own site, etc. Feel free to link your image to a larger version.<br>

<strong><em>In the strictest sense, nature photography should not include hand of man elements. Please refrain from images with obvious buildings or large manmade structures like roads. A bird on the fence post or bug on your finger is fine. Try to minimize man made features, keep the focus on nature, and let common sense be your guide. Let's post 1 image per week. </em></strong><em>More details please <a href="/nature-photography-forum/00cgtY">check here</a>.</em></p>


<p>Good Morning,<br>

Put your hands near the steam coming off a hot spring in the winter. The warmth feels good. In the heat of summer the bubbles of water churning in a stream tickle your toes. It feels so good. The rhythmic sounds of waves on the beach is nature's music. Good sounds sooth the senses. The simple aroma of freshly crushed mints fill the head and lingers, then begs us to pick another leaf. It smells so good that the day seems to start all over again. The goodness in life and nature is all around, and we bring our cameras to that bounty, thankful for each day.</p>

<p>This week we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the U.S. It is one of our biggest holidays with yummy food and time to give thanks for simple things that are so important. It seem fitting to extend the spirit of the holiday to our friends here. There's plenty to be thankful for. A natural world full of wonders to photograph, great folks to share those photos with, and a nice forum to meet in. Most of all though, I'm thankful for a loving partner in life who also wants to be in nature with a camera.</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving, starting on Monday, in Nature.</p><div>00cyJd-552717984.JPG.8313ea054fa221eb2c7dbd0185662a04.JPG</div>

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<p>Well, it's not a turkey, but this fella was stuffing himself with a pre-thanksgiving feast of berries at Wildwood Park in Harrisburg, PA (one of my 'usual' spots for nature photography). Of the several shots I took, I thought this showed the most unique angle. Shot with the Sigma 150-500 @ 500.</p>

<p>And like many out here, I'm thankful for family (a wonderful spouse, several children/step-children, and extended family), the opportunity to enjoy each day, and camera gear manufacturers. Hopefully all can reflect on something to be thankful for on Thursday, no matter where you are or what culture you're from.</p><div>00cyJp-552718284.jpg.20f8af34e2fe8c91f0403af9685265b5.jpg</div>

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<p>Hm, after the first cold spell of the season I was sure thankful for my hat that had been stuck in the pocket of my jacket for the past half year. But my biggest thanks goes to all the folks who had the foresight to preserve (often small) open areas as public open space. Some are golf courses and baseball fields, but many are left unaltered with maybe a trail crossing through it. Plenty of bird watchers, photographers, dog walkers, teenage kids, joggers, and walkers sure appreciate it.<br>

Saturday's amazing sunrise shot would have been disqualified here (to many beautifully-lit contrails). Sunday was cloudy and the sun had almost no chance against the clouds. Happy Thanksgiving!</p><div>00cyJv-552719584.jpg.db234323d0427ca589831078fc0e0cfc.jpg</div>

Christoph Geiss
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<p>Laura, what beautiful thoughts and nicely captured design. Now I have met a natural hazelnut.<br>

<br /> There are so many things I am grateful for, among which is the wonderful designs of nature. While one would not immediately think of a vulture as a pleasing bird, it is actually quite beautiful and its role in the eco system is paramount.</p><div>00cyMc-552726184.jpg.ef0eba2128c77788d3462a8978cdd92c.jpg</div>

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.....no photo to post this week (mechanical failure in hand-of-man station wagon redirected my time away from

cameras to shopping for a decent 4x4). We celebrated the "official" day of thanksgiving in Canada a while back,

but like the rest of you, no matter whether it's up here on the rocky side of the mountain on the Island, or looking

out the window at the sunrise across a mile of flat nothingness back at farm on the prairies, every morning of

every day I wake up surrounded by wilderness and the critters who tough-out its challenges is my thanksgiving.

Thanks to you all for openly sharing your works. Every image we see teaches us something.

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