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I almost went for 5Dii.... what a shocker...

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<p>Somehow - I can't explain how - I've managed to make a few decent photographs during the past few years using the deficient +/- 2 stops of exposure compensation on my 5D2. Before that I struggled mightily with cameras that didn't even have this. Oh, the horror!</p>



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<p>I don't think I've ever needed to use 3 stops of EC (or 2 for that matter). But for things that I don't need the meter for, or the meter hasn't a clue, M mode works best.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>I'm selling my 5D MkII to my daughter for the price she'd pay for a T2i. I wonder if she'll hate me for the rest of her life when she discovers "the secret shame" I've exposed her to.</p>

<p>At least my new 5D MkIII will be "capable."</p>

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<p>This thread is one of the reasons I don't don't ask many questions here. I am not saying the OP has a point; however, this is the same cadre of "experts" that take some superior satisfaction in using sarcasm to put down another poster. A few tried to help him rather than join the bullying. Whether he is wrong or right he feels he has some justification for his opinion so I respect that. If he is misguided is there not a better way to educate him than to belittle?</p>
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<p>Mr. Arnold, I can't tell for certain, but I think you are actually being serious... in which case, don't take it too personally, I thought it was pretty obvious that he was at least half joking in his initial post. The responses seem in kind. </p>

<p>I doubt any serious photographer would be<em> that</em> upset over such a minor (and completely, as pointed out multiple times, ignorable) 'fault'. As we<em> all</em> know, features vary w/ bodies and era, and even firmware versions. For example - I'm still upset by the lack of ECF (a technology that Canon equipped bodies w/ 15yrs ago) - but I certainly wouldn't seriously call it an essential component of a 'decent and basic' camera. - not unless my tongue was in my cheek...</p>

<p>...afterall, this issue is kind of like buying an M5 w/ 'only' 'normal','street', and 'track' suspension modes, as opposed to the 'luxury','street','spirited','track','drag', & 'gravel' suspension modes that <strong><em>any</em></strong> 'decent and basic' lux/sports car <em>should</em> have ;-) (BTW - I don't know what traction/suspension modes are <em>really</em> on a modern M5)</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>There are plenty of ways to disagree with someone without trying to prove ones manhood by belittling the their thoughts. He was obviously put on the defensive. I also think there may be some cultural differences here as well that account for semantic differeces. What I have objected to is trying to be clever by disparaging someone else. That's ego and trying to show how smart and clever one is compared to the "unwashed" poster. David Stephens, I spent an entire military career seeing real people prove their manhood. They did not do that with cheap sarcasm that you call "not coddling on the internet". How relavent was what you posted to the subject? Is that your idea of being tough? How many times will this guy and other members of the unwashed come back to this forum after a thread like this? This is what epidemic school bullying is all about: having fun at the expense of someone else. You can tell someone not to react excessively without being cute and superior.</p>
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<p>Dick, you wouldn't put up with such historonics in the military. Why should we here? The guy's either a troll or a flake. If he's honestly as clueless as he lets on, then it's time for a wake up call. It's better to get his ass chewed a little on the internet than to go through life unaware that over reactions set him apart from the rest of the world.</p>

<p>My post, and most of the others, are relevent because he had no question and sought no guidance. He seemed to merely be seeking reactions to his "discovery" of the MkII's limitations. He received reactions, which is the usual troll's goal. Now you come along, all sactimonious, trying to shame the rest of us.</p>

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<p>Dick, in general I agree with you. When a person posts a <em>question</em> about a camera or lens or technique and is a beginner or makes a simple mistake, it is poor taste to put them down. </p>

<p>On the other hand, when a person comes in and makes a wild pronouncement - in this case one that I thought for a moment might have actually been intended as a joke - some humor is perhaps better than telling the person in more direct terms what you think of their own inappropriate and embarrassing post. Having been around forums for a while, this post has almost all of the characteristics of a troll. </p>

<p>Yes, there are other ways to disagree, and in the vast majority of cases they are probably more appropriate. But this is a very different sort of post I think.</p>


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<p>Thanks David and G Dan. You both may be right to a degree. This is a different post. But as I have told my kids and grand kids irrational behaviour does not justify irrational behaviour in return. I think some posters did try to explain things to him. I think he left the forum. And, by his later posts, thought he was serious. However, David, I don't think it my job to discipline him. So I am still sanctimonious to a degree because I have seen this same sarcasm and belittling attitude on other posts in PN. And by some of the same people. It's a turn off to me for as an executive I worked hard for women's rights and saw and tried to overcome a lot of this snide and demeaning behaviour. It hurts an endeavor. This stuff is much worse on DP. This site is more civil by comparison. Being ex-military I am more of a fan of simple direct language rather than sarcasm. David I was an Officer who took care of his troops and I treated them like human beings and as a result benefited from their loyalty. The troops today are too smart to react to a simple ass chewing. I had some lunatics who were great at what they did and I put up with them and took care of them. I learned something and their efforts were of benefit. So like poster I may have reacted a little strongly but more reasonably, I hope. I have a strong bias against patronizing behaviour as it hurts people. Thanks for your comments. </p>
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<p>So I don't have to join in the sarcasm go to an empty google search and type in<em> "How to shoot a successful HDR with Canon 5D Mark II" </em>and start reading you will be surprised at how many people are actually making successful HDR with the 5DMII.</p>
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<p>I really don't bother with exposure compensation much or with HDR(so far). <br>

But I eons ago I remember taking a <strong>very Basic</strong> class in B&W film photography. The teacher there gave us an assignment which consisted of 6 images of 2 objects using film. You see, we were learning about the Zone system.<br>

This was the assignment:<br>

Take 6 shots of a White shirt with (-3/+3) compensation. Then take 6 pictures of a Black shirt (+3/-3) stops.<br>

I could not do this assignment, not with my Canon Elan II because the compensation dial only showed (+2/-2) ! Luckily I could switch to my Nikon. </p>

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<p>Dick, your management style is your personal choice. Good for you. I had six years as of military service, concluding as a Master Sargent, many years as a senior partner in an international auditing firm and years as an executive officer in a publicly traded company. I received all the loyalty that I desired and never coddled anyone. To each his own. Don't ride in here on your high horse and expect us to respect your opinions just because you were a military officer. I respect your service, but that doesn't elevate your opinion.</p>
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<p>Now I am <em>really</em> worried. If even the military cannot tolerate a bit of ribbing and sarcasm, the US must be really doomed.</p>

<p>While it is true, sarcasm is not a usual military trait, oversensitivity has got to be worse. What next: wild flower collections in boot camp?</p>

Robin Smith
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<p>My original post was NOT to complain that I wouldn't be able to +/- stops compensation manually. <br>

My problem is that I need +/- 3 stop in AEB for handheld 3 shots for HDR. Yes, I can always manually adjust the compensation. That would require a tripod and time consuming manual setting.<br>

I consider that +/-3 stops compensation is basic for a modern camera.</p>

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<p>I have no objection to sarcasm. What I object is belittling other people with sarcasm as a way to boost ones own ego to make a point. If you and I are equal and it is a fair game then have at it. Using it to demean others opinions and ganging up to do it has been offensively effective in degrading women, minorities and others not as well able to defend themselves for far too long. I have read earlier and reasonable discussions from this original poster. Apparently he has been around PN for several years. I think he was early on put on the defensive by the attitude in this thread. David Stephens, I apologize if I made this personal. That was not my intention. I respect your service and your opinion. I have no wish to get into a pissing contest any more than I have with you. Master Sergeant in six years is quite an accomplishment if that was on active duty. I have a right to ride in on the horse of my choice on this thread just as you have a right not to like what I have said. I believe strongly in what I have said about snide and demeaning attitudes. And for you Robin Smith, the US military needs a little sensitivity training if you have read the about drill instructors at Lackland AFB sexually abusing female recruits by using their authority. Not just one but several DIs are under charges. Women serve a vital role in the military and deserve respect. I am particularly interested because I started my military career as a DI. You are right the military has changed but for the better since I served. They are smarter, more effective, and God knows they are dedicated going through what they have with multiple tours in combat. Sincerely David if I offended you I apologize. </p>
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<p>The stop complaining and pony up $3500 for a nice basic 5d MkIII which will give you a span of up to 18 stops and up to 7 frames to do your HDR with. If you want "automatic" HDR I'm afraid you're still stuck with only 3 shots at up to a 6EV spread. I know it sucks, and 3 shoots isn't really enough and 3EV can't really capture all the detail, but you'll just have to live with that.</p>

<p>Generally HDR produces such wonderful images that I'm amazed nobody has yet made a camera that's properly designed for it.</p>

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