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<p>I prefer medium format film cameras (Hasselblad and Pentax) while avoiding the computer entirely by letting a local lab process and print. That's hardly available any longer in a way that is convenient, so I also prefer Hasselblad and Canon digital and Mac.</p>
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<p>Define "type"</p>



<p>type |tīp|noun</p>

<p>1 a category of people or things having common characteristics : this type of heather grows better in a drier habitat : blood types.• a person, thing, or event considered as a representative of such a category : it's not the type of car I'd want my daughter to drive | I'm an adventurous type.• [with adj. ] informal a person of a specified character or nature : professor types in tweed.• ( one's type) informal the sort of person one likes or finds attractive : she's not really my type.• Linguistics an abstract category or class of linguistic item or unit, as distinct from actual occurrences in speech or writing. Contrasted with token .</p>

<p>2 a person or thing symbolizing or exemplifying the ideal or defining characteristics ofsomething : she characterized his witty sayings as the type of modern wisdom. See note atemblem .• an object, conception, or work of art serving as a model for subsequent artists.• Botany & Zoology an organism or taxon chosen as having the essential characteristics of its group.• short for type specimen .</p>

<p>3 printed characters or letters : bold or italic type.• a piece of metal with a raised letter or character on its upper surface, for use in letterpress printing.• such pieces collectively.</p>

<p>4 a design on either side of a medal or coin.</p>



<blockquote>5 Theology a foreshadowing in the Old Testament of a person or event of the Christian tradition.verb [ trans. ]</blockquote>



<li>1 write (something) on a typewriter or computer by pressing the keys : he typed out the second draft | [ intrans. ] I am learning how to type.</li>

<li> 2 Medicine determine the type to which (a person or their blood or tissue) belongs : the kidney was typed.</li>

<li>3 short for typecast . PHRASESin type Printing composed and ready for printing.DERIVATIVEStypal |-pəl| |ˈtaɪpəl| adjective ( rare).ORIGIN late 15th cent. (in the sense [symbol, emblem] ): from French, or from Latin typus, from Greek tupos ‘impression, figure, type,’ from tuptein ‘to strike.’ The use in printing dates from the early 18th cent.; the general sense [category with common characteristics] arose in the mid 19th cent.</li>



<p>In this instance I think it is reasonable to assume definition 1, so the make, model or format of the camera is the question.</p>

<p>Define "prefer"</p>



<p>prefer |priˈfər|verb ( preferred , preferring ) [ trans. ]<br>

1 like (one thing or person) better than another or others; tend to choose : I prefer Venice to Rome | [with infinitive ] I would prefer todiscuss the matter in private | [with clause ] Val would presumably prefer that you didn't get arrested | [as adj. ] ( preferred) his preferred candidate.<br>

2 formal submit (a charge or a piece of information) for consideration : the police will prefer charges.<br>

3 archaic promote or advance (someone) to a prestigious position : he was preferred to the post.ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French preferer, from Latin praeferre, from prae ‘before’ + ferre ‘to bear, carry.’</p>



<p>In this instance again I think it is reasonable to assume definition 1, what do you like better, tend to choose.</p>

<p>Not too complicated really. Unless you want it to be.</p>

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<p>Scott, did you? Didn't realize your question ("Maybe that means Canon/Mac users are secretive?") meant to state that you are a Canon/Mac user. At any rate, so far the survey does not seem credible, as it appears most respondents are Nikon users.</p>
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