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politically charged comments on PN


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There is in the "off topic" forum a recent topic entitled, "weirdest crop circles yet, caught on video." This blog is full of

politically charged comments, some of which were NOT concerned with photography. It was my understanding that,

at least at one time, such comments were not permitted on PN. Is this not still true?


"Off topic" should still be about photography, NOT members' opinions about political candidates!

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OT forum information as announced in the initial forum post <a

href="http://www.photo.net/off-topic-forum/00QoxE">here</a>, and the feedback forum <a

href="http://www.photo.net/site-feedback-forum/00QsjU">here</a>, and in the September edition of the newsletter <a

href="http://www.photo.net/info/newsletters/sept-08">here</a>. Also listed in the "about this forum" section (on the

main OT forum page).


<li><p>"Photo.net now has an off-topic forum. Feel free to post about any subject and discuss it with the

photographic community. This is something new for photo.net. We've long been a site that kept it's focus (sorry

about the pun) tightly on photography. But with the way online communities have evolved, people grow used to

their online friendships and want to be able to veer into other subjects a little bit. Photo.net will ALWAYS be

about photography first and foremost. But think of the Off Topic forum as a place to get away from photography

for a few minutes and discuss other stuff with people who you have something in common with.


The forum is lightly moderated, but keep in mind that all of the typical photo.net policies are still in effect.

This isn't the place to advertise your business for free, or to post about your ebay auctions, or to spread your

religious message, or to to attack/insult other users. Political debates in particular will be watched closely to

make sure they stay civil. In general, just keep in mind that there are a lot of people from a lot of different

cultures on photo.net. The more aware we all are of that, the better place the site will be.


Keep posts PG-13 rated and "Safe for Work". Other than that, have at it. Ask people what kind of truck you should

buy, or what they thought of the new Batman movie, or who is playing Tiger Woods golf instead of getting work

done (hint..it's TOTALLY not me)."</ul>


In short, the OT forum is for OT conversation. Usual photo.net rules of civility apply, and if you see something

that you feel is "over the line" you should contact a moderator or administrator. But in general, OT topics

should be non-photographic in nature. General photographic threads not fitting elsewhere and other photo chitchat

goes in the Casual Photo Conversations forum.


It is highly understandable that some people will not be interested in OT conversation. Photo.net is a

photography website and some users only want to see photographic topics. That is why the OT stuff is placed in

it's own forum and not allowed to be dispersed across the rest of the site. To avoid those conversations, all you

have to do is not visit the OT forum.

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can I post that all politicians should be replaced every time they run for re-electionld,


Enen on a lightly moderated forum it could get pretty .get hot and heavy.


Of course I KNOW my opinons are right and only 40% agree with me.

meanwhile ANOTHER 40% have a different view.


Of course since I am RIGHT, then that 40% are crazy and 20% are sleeping ot unaware.


I think that would make for some very lively discussions.

BUT do we REALLY want to go there?


Notice that no opinoins are expressed in this post and NO small furry creatures were harmed.

( nor were any fried baked or broiled or served with BBQ sauce)

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"But in general, OT topics should be non-photographic in nature."


Well, then I think we need yet another forum, perhaps entitled something like "tangential topic" (or "TT") forum, in

which the topic is arguably related to photography, ie. political photography, or...yes, I am going to say it:


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Oh God, this could get like some groups of people I know who arrange a meeting to organize a meeting about when the next meeting is going to be. As far as I know every few years, depending on what country you live in, people are publicaly asked what their political views are and I think I remember seeing a few minutes of American politics on the tv in the UK recently. I really dont mind what other peoples political, religous or other views are and if they want to share them politely, good for them. If I dont want to read about it I simply wont look at an OT forum.
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As I said above, any photo-related topic that doesn't fit in any other forum goes in the Casual Photo Conversations forum. Depending on what your opinion or specific question is, a "art" based question could fit in the CPC, OT, or even Philosophy of Photography forums.
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I think more political discussion is needed. I SHUTTER to think that we can't discuss the CONTRAST of the candidates. Indeed, as the candidates DEVELOP their platforms it behooves us to look thru the LENS of experience and HIGHLIGHT those qualities. Otherwise we risk DODGING these important issues and not putting the proper FOCUS on them. In this DIGITAL age, neither should we ignore the SHADOW for the glitz, but instead insist on TRANSPARENCY. Nor should we rely on the NEGATIVE as PROOF of argument. Now is the time for OPACITY in politics and a firm RESOLUTION of solving problems not simply creating more NOISE. EXPOSURE to other opinions and thoughts can lead to DYNAMIC solutions. Its is against the GRAIN to think this way I know, But in LIGHT of the alternative what choice do we have? Let civility FILTER the rancor and not BLUR the purpose of democracy. As we SCAN the political LANDSCAPE its important that we FILTER the often conflicting DATA and draw our own conclusions.
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" how did you find that thread" I navigated the OT forum. I must apologize for having not read the forum rules. Having read them the contents of that forum discussion, including your thorny comments (at least at the time I last looked) were valid! So then, I have some ideas myself (ah yes, with thorns indeed)...stay posted (or then again, maybe I won't follow up).


Josh--thanks for all of the clarifications. Again, sorry for not having read the rules for the new OT forum. So then, those of us who might wish to discuss, for example, oil painting (I definitely plan to do this), could go to the OT forum! Alternatively, if one wishes to discuss something such as this (nonphotography) discipline as it relates to photography, eg. (color, composition, etc.) the casual photography conversations forum becomes appropriate. (I recall the title of this forum was once just "casual conversations"


So then, the new forum structure can have added educational value for the photographer who wishes to "cross fertilize"


And from another perspective, this sounds like these new changes could be an aspect of Namemedia strategic marketing.

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<i>"And from another perspective, this sounds like these new changes could be an aspect of Namemedia strategic



Nope. Just my ideas moving the site in the direction I feel is best. If it hadn't been for me, these changes

wouldn't have happened. Of course Namemedia wants the site to be successful, so ideas that increase activity or

participation are thought highly of. But Namemedia isn't "scheming" to do anything.

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