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Photo.net and Photo Privacy

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<br><br>This question is not specifically related to the photo.net website, it

can be applied to any website which allows patrons to upload their pictures -

Flickr, Photo.net, Kodak, mPix etc.

<br><br>When we share pictures that we have taken - landscapes, nature,

portraits - anything - what prevents anyone from copying (Ctrl+C), saving and

re-posting it somewhere else? Given that they may not get a full resolution

image in all of its DPI glory by doing this, a hacker may still paste it at a

different web-site for a different motive altogether. Interestingly,

OneModelPlace does restrict users from copying <Ctrl+C> images.

<br><br>As an exception, California dwellers were requested by Yahoo Flickr

specifically for their pictures of the wild fires - these were then used in

Yahoo news and other prominent web sites. However, what stops a hacker?

<br><br>Portraits or Glamor pictures - like those taken by experts here - may be

used in a totally different context in any other web-site. What prevents that?

Rules / Regulations? How can we avoid this?

<br><br>Any information on this subject is highly appreciated.

<br><br>Thanks for any responses,


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If you believe *and can prove, using receipts from previous sales* your photo has dollar value, you'd have to be dumb as a post to post it anywhere, no matter what the site claims.


This is OFF TOPIC, doesn't belong on "Philosophy."

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Most commercial photographers have web sites with their work and they aren't writing posts like this. I have a good commercial business, with timely photos, and I don't put the ones with time value on my site. The others could be lifted and used on a website, but that's a tradeoff for showing my photos.


The question you should answer is how much value you think your photos have to someone else's web site. Are you selling/licensing your photos? If so, how much are you getting for web usage? That's what you have to measure when you consider the options for display. But I do think it's odd that it's always people who aren't running a photography business who ask about this.

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<<Most commercial photographers have web sites with their work and they aren't writing posts like this>>


But they /were/ writing these posts 4 years ago when they started those websites. Like most people they've just had time to think about how such worries are just silly.

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I cut and pasted this article so I hope I don't get sued.


"If you are truly worried about copyright infringement, you can register your images with the government (see the government site at www.copyright.gov). The current cost to register is $45. You do not need to register to obtain copyright. According to the law: Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. You only need to have the copyright registered if you wish to take legal actions against someone: Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. You will have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work. Beware that an actual lawsuit against anyone can be quite expensive, and you probably should be comfortable spending up to $5, 000 and risk not recovering any monies."

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If you're concerned about this issue, which I agree is a real pain in the neck, you should not post it online. No matter what laws protect your artwork or the website (policy), some people out there will have the nerve to grab it and post it somewhere else and claim originality...


It's a shame, but shameless people exist.

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