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Everything posted by dutchsteammachine

  1. Thanks for your help Rodeo, really descriptive! Just today I had a closer look at the finder and the mechanism. I noticed that when I pushed the pin in, to a certain point it would still spring back correctly. Here I noticed that the pivot arm was very slightly bent... and when pushed further in, pressed against a plate inside the finder. It was at this point that it stopped working and I felt increasing resistance. A careful push in the opposite direction to remove the bent, and that did it! Now a happy owner of a beautiful M645!
  2. I have a Mamiya M645 S1000 with an AE prism viewfinder. This viewfinder has a pin that should click into the aperture lever of the lens. Normally there is pressure on this that pushes the pin down and fixes it well in the handle. Unfortunately this does not work properly any more. Sometimes the pin is pushed down properly, but usually it stays pressed against the top of the viewfinder when a new lens is inserted and the aperture ring is turned to lock with the pin. It appears the spring is not working as it should anymore... Anyone have any idea how to open the viewfinder? And then further?
  3. Most of the photos in this collection are in public domain. I don't know for the illustrations, never saw them before. Would have to google-image search them to try and find the sources. Its possible the illustrations are owned by Finley Holiday. The audio commentary is most certainly owned by Finley Holiday. It looks like try are still around. We'll see if they ever make a copyright claim for the ad-sense and demand a sum of money. I have received plenty of false copyright claims on NASA material, in all cases but one they backed off after my first dispute.
  4. I like that photo, very calm. Thanks for sharing. I am working on getting tons of amateur 16/8mm film taken from the 1920s to 1970s digitized. There are also tons of old negatives I still need to digitize, from or before 1900. I want to eventually put my collections on YouTUbe, have with some already. When choosing musical pieces to go with stills or silent film, what do you look for? My initial thoughts are to play then-contemporary music with them. Or some melancholy synth music. I made this some time ago, havent gotten around to making the big piece with +300 negatives yet...
  5. Slides were a common way to share awesome pictures and tell a story. But they are mute... obviously. Unless when combined with a cassette tape that narrates the story through music and voice, signalling when to project the next breathtaking view of space. For some time now I have been wanting to bring these embodiments of humble 60's to 80's entertainment into the more easily accessible digital domain. It's rather simple: Scan the slides in high resolution, restore them, digitize the cassette with a good quality cassette recorder, restore if needed. Synchronize the two inertly separated mediums in a video editing program and voila! I've ordered one to try out as a proof-of-concept. To see if it works. After some weeks of waiting the first set arrived, and here is the result: Did you ever make cassettes or reel to reel tapes to go along with slide projections of your own photos?
  6. I've got a nikon supercoolscan 8000 and 9000. The PSU inside the 8000 gets hotter than the one inside the 9000. They look different, but are interchangeable. Perhaps more temperature limiting measures were taken with the 9000. Regardless, after scanning for a while the temperature inside the unit rises and this causes the film to increasingly bend. This is especially annoying with the 35mm holder, that can't hold a piece of 35mm film flat to save its life. Same for the MF holder. So I've been thinking about a non-destructive mod to remedy this problem... quite simply by taking the entire PSU out. The PSU will be put into its own external box. The PSU connects to the scanner mobo via a simple 8-pin micro jst connector. This mod should be non-destructive and thus reversible if you ever want to sell the scanner again, because you can just connect your own female micro JST connector to the main board and solder from there. From here on it should be simple. To the JST connector I solder a 8-pin DIN socket. Then a 0.5 or 1m 8-pin din cable can be used to connect to a socket on the new PSU box. The socket is then soldered to an other 8pin micro jst connector and finally plugged into the PSU. The box can be made from simple plexiglass I suppose, with ventilaton holes and a hole to press the on/off button. Have nothing else to do anyways since quarantine. Your opinions? Is this madness? Any other unit or carrier mods for the supercoolscans that you have tried?
  7. Like this one from 1937: https://live.staticflickr.com/7871/40592784893_2368b645cf_o_d.gif Larger: egypt-1-16-31
  8. The back element of the lens looks dirty/nasty. Might be mold but could also be dust and crud. I see white spots on the curtain, possibly mold.
  9. Hello photo.net, Is there any slide duplication film still being made, and if so is there a way to acquire it? If not, is there any way to make decent slide copies of Kodachrome and ektachrome, maybe by use of filters? By using Ektachrome E100, Provia100 or any other in-production slidefilm. Regards
  10. All of the scans can be found at my Flickr Archive Kid Woman Street & Cars Men Balloon
  11. Its ok if you want a lomo look. I can kind of get it (But not really) with film... If you want a digital lomo look, just buy a digital camera from the early 2000s or late 1990s at a thriftstore for a few bucks. They are terrible, and what I have seen online there is a 3 sec delay from when you press the shutter button on the camera to when it actually takes a digital photo.
  12. Today on Photrio I read about Ron Mowrey's passing this February. He was known here as rowland_mowrey and as Photo Engineer on the photrio forum. Ron talked about emulsion, analog photography and developing in exquisite detail. Always quick to help when people had detailed questions about chemicals, films and how they interacted. The knowledge he shared have undoubtedly helped an uncountable number of people and the community as a whole. Very sad. Its strange to visit these forums after talked so much to him. not just about photography and its mediums but also about his life experiences. Thread for clarification
  13. Working on scanning my newly acquired WWII Kodachrome collection. Felt like making a video because I love making these short showcases. Scans of original slides. All photos will eventually be on Flickr. I am a perfectionist, there are a few things I don't like. Some parts a snippet too short, sometimes a bit too long. But eventually I have to publish it or it'll always stay in production! I wish I had a camera capable of 4K video recording, oh well. Enjoy.
  14. Picked up films & digital files today. Have an other still and some footage as a teaser:
  15. I have got good news! National Geographic is working on a new documentary about the Mercury program, and they have interest in the 35 mm and 8 mm material shown here. So maybe these beautiful images can be seen by hundreds of thousands of people! All this is of course discussed with Jack and his family. It's all very exciting ^^
  16. Ektachrome has been released in 120 (Propack with 5 films) and 4x5 sheets. It will be available worldwide in 10 days. “ROCHESTER, N.Y. Dec 10, 2019 – Kodak Alaris today announced the launch of EKTACHROME E100 in larger formats. A new 120 format 5-roll propack and a new 10 sheet 4x5 box will be available to order within the next 10 days, worldwide. These new format offerings follow on the highly successful launch of EKTACHROME E100 in 135-36x size last year. “Our new E100 film is a big hit with photographers of all ages” said Dennis Olbrich, President – Kodak Alaris Imaging Paper, Photo Chemicals and Film. “The market response has been tremendous. Adding 120 and sheet films takes us to the next level.”” Kodak Professional Samples by Sandra
  17. Happy Sinterklaas! When I was young (90's) I never thought of Zwarte Piet as a racial stereo type. That his/her colour represented that of black people never even occurred to me. I am betting my new Nikon Super Coolscan 9000 this is the case for virtually all children of the age this tradition is meant for. It is a piece of magic for children, and for most adults good memories (Of a better world) they wish to relive and enjoy passing on to their children. And that is what it is about... making children feel like magic exists. Of course, adults got to ruin every bit of fun in this cruel, cold but also oh-so-beautiful planet. Let us relive and make new warm, cozy memories. Please. Shod off with your PC bollocks.
  18. Collectors are afraid sharing their precious items, sometimes acquired with considerable investments, will decrease their value.
  19. Still of private Mercury Atlas 8 recovery 8mm recording. Copyright Jack. Scanning work Niels & FilmKapitaal
  20. Most scans are uploaded in full resolution. I scan at about 1200 DPI, after a lot of testing I determined that to be around the resolution limit of the emulsion. I also scanned part of a few negs at 4000 DPI with my Nikon Supercoolscan 8000 and couldn't see any extra detail, just grain the size of your fist. I hoped I could get more writing from signs in this negative but 800-1600 DPI is about the limit really. I measured the sharpest distance of negatives from the Epson V750 scanner glass, about 3mm. So I made a wooden holder that did the trick. I should rename some of the Flikr names to the writing on the negatives, but I have been too lazy so far to make the commitment. Its also possible I scanned (quite?) a few negatives with the 10x8 transparency setting which focuses 1mm above the scanner glass, so they aren't as sharp as they can be. I may eventually scan those at the correct setting and update those files. 10x8 would possible allow me to scan 4 or more negatives at once, but putting them right on the glass causes newton rings. Ew, I hate those! The other transparency setting (For 35mm to 4x5) focuses at 3mm but the narrow angle lens only covers 1, maybe 2 negatives.
  21. Adox CMS 20 has superiour resolution to Efke 25 so someone who wants an ultra-high resolution film is likely going for CMS 20. Why would Adox release a film that would divide the already niche market of CMS 20?
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