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Image Comments posted by tmjacobs

  1. Although the HDR helps to bring out the texture of the stone I think I would prefer it with a bit more contrast, as it is it lacks a bit in 'depth' and 'drama'; compared to the other photos in this folder it is a bit flat. You might consider overlaying the middle exposure and just look what opacity percentage adds just that bit of grandeur I think it needs.
  2. I presume I'm right, not tight ;-) Anyway, it's indeed an improvement. Back then I did the adjustment with some masking, but with the shadow/highlight tool in PS CS 3 it's pretty easy and straightforward.

    One thing to be careful about is that the S/H tool can 'bring back' colors in a somewhat unnatural way. In this particular photo the dark parts became a bit too reddish IMO. You might consider masking these parts and adjusting this.

  3. Hello Peter, since you deleted your original scan I find it difficult to say whether this new one is better, but it looks rather similar to my adjusted version, so I guess it must be better. I can't recall how the previous version looked because I saw that more than 1 1/2 year ago.
  4. Thanks for your comments.

    Rick: the exposure variations can indeed be a bit of a problem from time to time, although the stitching software gets better and better dealing with this. However, if the exposure variations are visible in a stitched image, I open the originals, adjust their relative brightness and re-do the stitching.

    Sergey: Tonemapping: Photomatix. Stitching: often Autopano pro, sometimes Photoshop CS3 (note: 3 is much better with stitching than 2). I work with 24 bit images.

  5. Thanks Dennis. To be honest I would have preferred it if the windows were less blown out, but the contrast was so strong that even the -2 exposures had blown-out windows, the camera I had back then couldn't go further than -2, but now -with my Canon- I would have used -4 exposures.

    Look around you

    Did you take each of these shots in landscape or portrait format? Portrait gives some more space above and below the buildings, but of course you'd have to take more photos. Here the buildings are a bit 'tight' between the upper and lower border. I'm somewhat puzzled by the visible stitches: most stitching software these days does a pretty good job with this. Probably you need to have more overlap.
  6. A superb photo, but I feel it needs some post-processing, the dynamic range is a bit limited and the sky shows some weird color changes. Is this HDR? My own experience with HDR is that it needs quite a bit of post-processing. Must have been great being there at that time.

    Gate Gill 4


    the others in this folder are quite nice, but here the post-processing is not so succesful: it seems to have a color cast and the dynamic range is rather limited. I don't quite agree with S Spencer's edit, so I did some PS myself to show what I mean, hope you don't mind. Difficult to get the sky right though (based on the others in this folder), but that should be easier with the raw file. I would love to see the unedited original though.

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