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Tony Parsons

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Everything posted by Tony Parsons

  1. Mid-Norfolk Railway Visiting A4 locomotive
  2. I currently have 3 USB hubs attached to my desktop PC - one powered with 3 satellite hard drives, keyboard dongle and ReadyBoost cache USB stick attached, one powered with 3 Canon scanners attached and two phone charger leads (all of which work simultaneously !), one unpowered with two printers attached. Zero issues except when madam moved the desktop to dust, and unplugged the printers !.
  3. You will need to use a scanner that has a film attachment, and I know of none that accept 16mm film. You might be able to make a holder for the 16mm film which can fit inside the existing 35mm film holder, but there will probably be focus issues. Finding a lab that can scan the films may be your best bet, but could be expensive. Another possibility would be to find a lab that can print from the 16mm, get ptints made, then scan them, but again, this could be costly. Tony
  4. First wedding I ever shot was way, way back in the eighties - Cosina completely manual SLR, Kiron 28-105 zoom lens, Tri-X uprated to 800, and available light. Tony
  5. <p>B & W film developing<br> Developing tank<br />Film spiral<br />Developer of choice<br />Stop Bath<br />Fixer<br />Thermometer.<br> That's really it for the necessary purchases - the rest is down to environment.<br> Somewhere REALLY light-tight to load the film into the tank. Best test is to sit in the room / cupboard / whatever for ten minutes with the light out. If at the end of that time you can see anything at all, it ain't light tight. Other alternative is a changing bag (large), but this can make hands sweaty causing problems getting film into the spiral.<br> Either way, get a gash roll of film and practice with that in daylight, first with your eyes open, then with them shut, until you can load the spiral with confidence. Once you are happy, proceed with the film to be developed (in darkness, of course !)<br> Once the film is in the tank, all other steps can be carried out in daylight.<br> HTH<br> Tony</p>
  6. <p>I do get photo mags - I subscribe to one, buy others as-and-when, and also enjoy looking through older mags which are often donated to charity shops. My reasoning is not to feel envious of others' camera equipment, nor to try to find what next to squander my pittance of a pension on, but to look at the images (which is what interests me in photography, and has done for over fifty years) and consider, if I had been taking the shot, how I would have approached it.<br> In my naive view, I feel this has helped improve my photography, more so than reading books and articles on techniques, useful though those may be in their own fashion.<br> In the long run, I take photographs to please myself.<br> Tony</p>
  7. <p>It appears that it might be a Fujica AX5 - can anyone confirm, please ?</p> <p>Tony</p>
  8. <p>Laura,<br> Agreed, my comment was supposed to be light-hearted and tongue in cheek - although it was a quote from Admiral Grace Hopper.<br> Apologies if toes have been trodden on or noses put out of joint.<br> Tony (chastised, but not chastened)</p>
  9. <p>Hope the fact this is a saw-cut tree-stump does not violate the 'Hand of Man' edict.</p><div></div>
  10. <p>Go for it, Gup - 'It is always easier to apologise than to obtain permission' !</p> <p>Tony</p>
  11. <p>Whilst seeking the Henry Peach Robinson book mentioned above, I came across this link, which I thought worthy of wider dissemination. If I am treading on toes, moderators please remove.</p> <p>https://petapixel.com/2015/08/21/an-open-letter-to-landscape-photographers-check-your-etiquette/</p> <p>Tony</p>
  12. <p>Incredibly late follow up - I wonder if this song <br> has anything to do with the lady in question ?<br> Tony</p>
  13. <p>Taken a couple of years ago</p><div></div>
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