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Everything posted by pavel_l.

  1. Thank you John. I can see how the original shot could be split in to two abstracts ones, but my goal was to show flatness (2D) of pipe that creates the hidden 3rd dimension represented by shadow.
  2. I would call this phenomena a perpetual photo-trophy contest which has flourished on simplicity of f@c3b00k sharing and has little if at all in common with art.
  3. I bend the film (so the apex of folded film pointing away from center of reel) to pass it to reach the clip. Yes, I hold the film in a curve shape the whole way in, not just when putting it in the clip.
  4. Tank you kmac. I agree that fill flash will help to separate machine from the tree, unfortunately I do not have the flash settings for my film gear. Cheers.
  5. Thank you Sam for your response. This is one of the possible approaches that is closer to my interpretation. Cheers.
  6. Thank you Mike for your response. I glad that you find my photo worth to think about. I took this photo on early morning so the business/shop with the old machinery backyard was closed. The big slabs, if I recall correctly, may have something to do with tombstone raw material. I do not think that "age" of photos may be an obstacle for it's discussion. Cheers.
  7. Thank you paddler4 for your response. You absolutely correct that color will separate the rusty equipment from the green background and B&W presentation completely blends these two elements together, that is why I call this composition the history that represented by this old machine become dissolved - almost unrecognizable from background on far away background. I also agree that top of tree could be safely cropped out. Cheers.
  8. I may admit this correlation as causation only when I'll find thousands of Newton, Galileis, Descarteses, da Vincis.
  9. +1 I call this to "claim the partial ownership" of somebody's work.
  10. I'm concidering the mouth as on of the mager mirror of human emotions. It's literally out of picture in above photo, so I see intense thinking in this portrait.
  11. I came to the very encouraging conclusion by reading the this discussion. Photographers and painters are using the objects/tools to tell their story. The big difference is the tools that photographers use are much limited in compare to collective/compiled product of the free drawing. The paradox of perception is the real objects on photograph may be more appreciated/valued than perception of painting just because photographs displays the real, existing objects/details over that photographers have no control in some genre. So the story made by limited tools may evoke more respect/appreciation in viewers.
  12. I took the second look today with fresh head and found the new, more dramatic story. It could be seen from the eyes of man waiting in vain for his date/girlfriend, the all patrons abandoned the place and the only left are the dying candle, the lightened portrait as reminder of the past dates, reminder of played pool game (action-less at present time) accompanied by cold beer. Cheers.
  13. Great presentation with the musical accompaniment. The party of the signs and light portraits after patrons party is over. Cheers.
  14. Thank you all for your comments. The reason this building has captured my attention is the wide field of possible interpretations. I agree that more street on the left will increase the contrast between abandoned building and the fluid life. I shoot 6x6 but not hesitate to crop if I feel the necessity. I think that the dead foreground is adding the sense of isolation of the building. The passing by or the parked car that lacks blur, as sign of motion, can be considered as aberration. I think the building itself more interesting to me than it's position. I found the chronological mural interrupted by plain boards may be very symbolic. From the other angle, windows, in the art, are metaphors for hope, change, the source of "Light" are shut with boards in deteriorating building. Cheers.
  15. I do not know what AI algorithm was used to create this item. The one of the way to create AI product is to use a statistical analysis of the well known and appreciated the image elements, that means we may be looking at no more than the bell curve based collage. Cheers.
  16. It is very interesting graph. I can see the two cycles: the simple one - the Insolation and O2, that could be considered identical, with length of the cycle ~20,000 yrs and the second - CO2, temperature and CH4 that represents the mathematic sum of the simple one (Insolation or O2) and another the simple cycle with length 110,000 - 120,000 yrs with amplitude of 3 times of Insolation or O2. It will be good to know what is responsible for the second the simple long cycle. Cheers.
  17. Thank you for your thoughts.
  18. Thank you andylynn, samstevens, dcstep. Unfortunately, it's practically impossible to show the more wide view and, in the same time, to preserve the details of sign on the fence. This pic shows the fence attached to the old house. This composition became very political to my eyes. I see the relatively new fence that holds very symbolic sign - US flag, it is significantly deteriorating. And the fence attached to the decaying house wall. I'm guessing you got the idea. Cheers.
  19. Thank you for your thoughts.
  20. The most first thought is the Lupa Capitolina. The dissonance between the black mother and wight puppies echoes the dissonance of animal and human boys in the legend. The lifeless/stone background underscores the possible sign of starvation of mother. I found this shot interesting. You can try to crop off the black strip on the right side of frame. Cheers.
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