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Everything posted by pavel_l.

  1. Thank you Mike for your interpretation. The other title that is coming to my mind is 'The Birth. Ticket to Parenthood' Unfortunately, I am not good on reading graffiti, did not see them 'acting.' Cheers.
  2. Thank you for you thoughts. Cheers.
  3. Yes Mike, you are correct about world wide web connection. I used capital letter to indicate relation to the social media companies (algorithms) that are filtering and deciding the clickable content and commercialization for majority of users. Cheers.
  4. Thank you gb3. I choose this angle to show the cylinder as representation of tunnel vision. Cheers.
  5. dcstep, Mike I am really appreciate your warm and encouraging words about my photos. I understand, that sometimes, my stories are too convoluted and/or too personal. The understanding of my message is the only one side of the coin, nothing is stopping the viewers to "read" them personally. Cheers.
  6. Thank you Chris. I was looking on this as a conceptual combination of the geometric forms, The meter was situated at the edge of wall. Thank you Mike. I like the outside click too, but I decided to spice it up a little.
  7. Thank you dcstep. Yes, removing the conduit will ruin the meaning. The time (on clock) is the cornerstone of evolution. Cheers.
  8. Thank you Marc, I'll try your version. Cheers.
  9. Thank you for your thoughts.
  10. Thank you everybody for your feedback. This shot was taken though the window of, probably, antique store. I see it as some surreal collage. The busyness attributes to the surrealistic atmosphere. I intentionally did not crop the right side to the lamp because I like the multitude of the different backgrounds. The empty chairs are symbolizing that song literally fell to the deaf ears, they even positioned with their back to the chorus. The taxidermied heads of dead animals create the grotesque atmosphere for the absurd notion of preserving nature by carnivores. Cheers.
  11. Hasselblad 50 c/m , Distagon 50 mm f4 CF. FP4+.
  12. Thank you Sam. I can recognize the wall shadows you mentioned, I also feel that they presence competes with the main line. Not allays possible to kill two birds with one stone. Joseph, the reason I am not trying to "Please" the audience is the type of genre I try to present with above shot. The content is my main attention here. +
  13. Thank you Joseph. I would like to stress, that I'm not trying to "please" the viewer's eyes with the perfect exposure, and there is no the main subject here, it is a short sketch. Thank you Alan for your version, but it still too close to the original shot, to me. The background is too graphic which make it too difficult to separate the chair.
  14. Thank you Dan. I tried to play with contrast, but it did not do to much to me. + This is the original shot: Thank you Mark. I used this title because the combination of objects, outlet for the power gadgets, chair, bottle of water. Also, the shadow of chair "creates" the presence of table, and shadow of bottle is representing practically an absent object.
  15. Thank you Dan. Exposure of this shot was correct, the reason I blew this out is to separate chair from background. Cheers.
  16. If this 200 Mp sensor truly delivers this resolution w/o noise, than samsung may not need the multiple zoom lenses.
  17. Interesting view. I see two story, ascent to the nature, and the second is the obstacles to the nature. Cheers.
  18. Thank you for the second link, it lead to discovery this invaluable and refreshing 5 lessons of Richard Avedon: https://erickimphotography.com/blog/2014/09/26/5-lessons-richard-avedon-taught-street-photography/ I know, this should be shares on The History & Philosophy of Photography discussion.
  19. I'm not sure that my old version of PS allowed this type of processing. Unfortunately, not the all genre of photography let us control the every aspect of composition.
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