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Everything posted by pavel_l.

  1. Thank you Ricochetrider. I think it's not so important, in this instance, to match the thought to man's face as long as I see the strong emotion.
  2. In addition to that, the cone will gain more an unnecessary visual power.
  3. Thank you Supriyo for you feedback. I can see as the bright left part may pull the viewer's attention and delivers nothing but burned out the street chaos. For me this is the secondary to the person's state of being. The cones and "Caution" tape are for passersby so they won't disturb the solitude of man. I'm not sure how the cone could "...extend the entire length of the frame"? I'm completely agree with you. Thank you for review of my PN portfolio. Yes, it's medium format film.
  4. Thank you Sam for your feedback. It looks like this from point of view of the documentary photography. This is the perfectly understandable. There is no two identical human being on the earth.
  5. Thank you Mike for your feedback. I agree that some talk after the shot is a good sign of politeness. I should mention that the knowledge of personal life will helpful in case of the documentary photography but may create the limitation for interpretation for the other street photography genre. I believe that the freedom of interpretation is an important aspect that allows the viewer to create the personal connection and allows, up to some extent, to claim a partial ownership. Thank you for youtube link. I found info about Fan Ho is extremely interesting.
  6. Thank you everybody for your thoughts. The first, this is not a street portrait that was taken after some talk/setting with man. This is non-intrusive capture of the life. The "spy shot" argument is nothing but laughable from point of view of the street photography. Here is the story that I see. I see the man with most of his life behind him. He found a comfortable bench, where he can shuffles through his life events, that requires some degree of solitude. The cones and the caution tape are perfect but not central attributes of his present being so they are out of focus. He does not have a perfect line of bleached teeth with smile because the life/age is changing the structure of human body and, most likely, the current thought is translating to his face. He puts his cane aside so it does not hold his thoughts down by reminding him what he is now. The bright part of pic with construction can represent the optimistic view on the constantly changing/future life. The ruler in the right lover corner may symbolize the tool that measures significance of his life events that he try to re-live. Cheers. p.s.: for me the composition rules are secondary to the story.
  7. Thank you Ludmila for feedback. Can you be more specific re. selective focus?
  8. Shadow, I do not have anything against adding interpretation/improvisation in music, moreover, I'm greatly enjoying such approach as, for instance, Ravel's interpretation of the Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition. We are not discussing this aspect of classical music here. Many yars ago, when I was in a college, I have visited Kiev (Ukraine). I did not do my homework diligent enough. We did not have a guide or tourist information on hands, so when I saw the 17 centuries Ukrainian baroque domes on one of the church I was continue walking without paying more attention to it ( no offense to 17 centuries Ukrainian baroque - we did not have a lot of time on hands). Imaging my disappointment when later I found that we have missed Saint Sophia's Cathedral, the World Heritage monument founded in 11 century. What I try to say is that preservation of the historical integrity during the restoration is the highest priority in this situation to me. Cheers. p.s.: I'm very arrogant photographer - I have my own style.
  9. I do not think that there are too many people that would like to hear a Stravinsky sentence on the middle of the Bach story. Cheers.
  10. Finalizing an escape plan. Thinker in captivity.
  11. I know it's out of topic, but framing in Ida evokes the Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc.
  12. I am satisfy with more easy solution. I bent left or right wall of WLF inside until it is next to any vertical object and than move camera to make sure that top of the WLF is parallel to the chosen vertical object. Cheers.
  13. pavel_l.


    Beggars for the sun
  14. The fact that the long sides of leak is almost perfectly sharp means that the limiting 'frame' of light is very close to film. If it was 'barn dors' the light line would be at the middle of frame that is not the case. I have suspicion that film was exposed to leak when it is on releasing or receiving spool -outside of the film back frame.
  15. I was hitchhiking to Yaroslavl when Chernobyl catastrophe happened, lucky it was further away from epicenter and Moscow where i lived.
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