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Everything posted by didereaux

  1. <p>Okay I will avoid the screaming to be said, 'Doesn't anyone RTFM anymore', and instead ask if anyone actually looks at their menus on these cameras/<br> Like any Custom Function, you can always return the camera back to factory-default operation by returning that Custom Function to option “zero”, or returning the Custom Controls C.Fn for the shutter button, AF-ON, and/or AEL button to the first of each button's available options.</p>
  2. didereaux

    Ashburnham bridge

    Oh this could have been such a nice shot. consider if you had zoomed in cropping out the sky and the tree branch on the right. Using a polarizer it would have saturated and eliminated most of the bad reflections from the water. Definitely worth a re-shoot.
  3. Like the Redwoods this is flat. Needs some contrast and a bit of saturation. That would make the tuf stand out and give you a definitive subject. As it is the eye wanders.
  4. didereaux

    Redwood Trunks

    A little too flat. Lost the texture of the bark on the trees, and the saturation of the green branches.
  5. <p>Golf? Proper lens? I'd use a Lyman 6x12 on a .270 Winchester. Some might go lighter. ;)</p>
  6. <p>I agree with Michael, but as some of the responses show clearly there are those that are unwilling to change anything. This is what happens when a thing stagnates, or maybe it is what causes the stagnation.<br> One mentioning the 'Philosophy' thread as having many thoughtful responses, I would suggest that all those comments are made by a very tiny number of the same people. I have witnessed how newcomers, not knowing the 'traditions' get squeezed out very quickly. This is the case in a couple of other long running sections as well. <br> Some judicious experimentation is what keeps something like a forum or blog interesting, when forgotten so is the forum.</p>
  7. didereaux

    Clara, Westpark

    Clara is too close to the tree above and to the right of her. Makes a snapshot of an otherwise good composition.
  8. didereaux


    Tension? Yes, but not the kind you meant I think. That bright spot in the upper center should be in the left upper corner...anywhere but center-ish. Otherwise nicely done.
  9. didereaux


    The subject and composition are okay.  Where the error lies is that there is really no reflection to begin with.  the picture would have been greatly improved with the use of a polarizer filter to eliminate all the glare. If you have a good polarizer this shot would be worth  re-shoot.  
  10. This is one of those shots where more contrast and saturation would have paid off, I think. I am not a fan of such, but this is just to flat.
  11. didereaux


    Generally it is not a problem to crop a bit off a body part. But in this instance cutting off the tail and then leaving a large open space in front doesn't work.
  12. didereaux


    Very well balanced shot. Great color combinations. A very nice shot.
  13. Since this is more than likely to have been a set up shot it has to be noted that a far better background could have been chosen.
  14. didereaux

    Bee-dazzled (view larger)

    Although unquestionably artistic this is no more a photograph than is any acrylic painting.
  15. didereaux


    A flash or not is not the problem. It is WHITE BALANCE. Need to either set that properly in the camera first, or do it in post. Several methods. film, use filters, digital filters or internal settings.
  16. didereaux


    interesting. Did the model have any problems with splinters? ;)
  17. didereaux

    Gale force 3

    You forgot the loony golfer. Other than that, a fine shot.
  18. <p>Steve Gubin wrote, "</p> <p align="LEFT">Very often – too often, I fear – I look at another photographer's work and allow the feeling it gives me to guide me in my appreciation of it. I am capable of discerning certain basic technical elements (composition, color, tonality, etc.) but I am often at a loss to “see” what critics praise so highly in certain images.</p> <p align="LEFT"> </p> <p align="LEFT"> </p> <p align="LEFT">For me, this applies especially to some contemporary work, and to many abstract works from the past. (A few brief examples and not limited to these – Minor White, Man Ray, or some of the selections made for the annual photography show in Paris.)</p> <p align="LEFT"> </p> <p align="LEFT"> </p> <p align="LEFT">My impression of much of certain contemporary work which seems highly regarded is that it seems to be possessed of either an extreme post-postmodern ironic banality, or it is a highly produced, fantastical neo-pictorialist construct. I am not railing, as some are fond of, against the so-called “Art World”. I am seeking greater understanding."</p> <p align="LEFT"> </p> <p align="LEFT"><strong>Your view is entirely valid.</strong> What is said in reviews and professional critiques is heavily biased by the fact that almost all of the contributors have a vested interest. Their livelihood depends upon their acceptance within a very closed group (both numerically, and psychological). They must adopt the current jargon, and respond in the current fashion when considering 'Art' in any form. this in turn is aped by the ignorant, and smelly masses.</p> <p align="LEFT">At the more mundane level of say Wedding photography we are being inundated by over-exposures. While other photography is being viewed as good only if over processed to the point of being fit for only fantasy comic books. Any critic who points out that such things are not artistic will be shunned and have no say, or place (paying) in which to say it. Ten years from now those so-called techniques will be as pooh-poohed as pink glossy lipstick and plastic hair of the 60's. </p>
  19. didereaux


    You have to wonder what their definition for tacky will be on their 25th anniversary.
  20. didereaux

    Cafe Bacio

    I can't find anything really to critique. I like the shot. The contrast is good.
  21. didereaux


    Was that interior actual green tinted? No gold? It almost appears that you white-balanced the lightbulbs at the expense of the interior.
  22. didereaux


    Very flat, lacks vibrancy. But more importantly what is the subject? The point?
  23. didereaux


    The arm on the cameras' left is a huge problem with an otherwise nice shot.
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