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Everything posted by didereaux

  1. You said you were trying to make it look large. With nothing in the frame other than the Atomium it actually more resembles a large macro.
  2. didereaux

    Ruby Falls 3

    The magenta hues make this look contrived.  I'd bet a pretty penny the natural light would have yielded an excellent shot.
  3. didereaux

    pinkster last IMG_4242aw

    ...Like this shot alot! 
  4. didereaux

    Flowers and Shadows

    The bright area on the left (distracts greatly from subject), and some of the 'blank' area on the right (adds nothing to the picture) needs to be cropped out.  THEN this would be an excellent still life.
  5. didereaux


    Very nice composition.
  6. didereaux


    ...cluttered.  There is a really good photo in there somewhere, just not from this viewpoint, or perspective.
  7. didereaux


    Nice snapshot.
  8. didereaux


    You said you intention was to make this photo 'eerie'.  It missed that mark.  There is far to much gray zones to be eerie, weird maybe, but not eerie.  Remember that eerie light comes from below.
  9. Excellent shot.  Everything spot on.  Two things though.  Their is no dynamics in these kinds of shots, they are static.  The second thing is the magenta water.  This is a real bugbear, but detracts greatly in these sorts of shots.  But as I said the execution is great.
  10. didereaux

    Chamaeleo chamaeleon

    The only thing I might try and do differently is to get a shallower depth of field to blur out the background some more.
  11. didereaux


    That wooden spoke projecting out over her thigh and hip kills the shot.
  12. didereaux


    I rather like the concept. But two things seem to detract from the picture: First (probably a matter of personal taste), is that the girl has too much shadow. The second one is the killer... look at the toe(s) on her right foot! ;)
  13. <p>My 10year old grandson with his new camera we gave him for xmas. A Fuji S4800(?) if I remember right. ;) He took some remarkably well composed shots that day. Just him and me, and the woods...doesn't get much better.<br> <img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3710/14308626574_6912cb256f_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="427" /></p>
  14. <p>My favorite minimal pics is of two dabbling ducks Minimal in content<br /> Eos T1i 1/500 F/8 ISO 200 FL 208mm<br /> and the second (I like them equally) is a pair of White-tailed Kites on a very foggy morning. Minimal in color. Only the feet/legs, and the eye has any color whatsoever.<br /> EOS T2i ISO 400 1/2000 F/5.6 fl 400mm<br /> <img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-kpCTN8jGt5c/Uu1wPOpHlTI/AAAAAAAAA-4/XPFE9_x0R4U/s640/IMG_1198%25201.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p><img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-nePRy8gP-f4/UvuOAT5oNGI/AAAAAAAABNU/PTjcTp1NvJI/s640/IMG_1901%2520White-tailed%2520Kites.JPG" alt="" /></p>
  15. <p>Most forget that some of the most common birds and animals are quite photogenic at times.<br> Canon T2i 100-400 IS USM L<br> Eastern Meadowlark<br> <img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-6EVY1Z0wVJY/UzihJ2Wc4gI/AAAAAAAABzs/FemWANUr698/s640/IMG_3387.JPG" alt="" /></p> <p>American Robins<br> <img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-XVYD0jRu2xE/UxvGH0GPV9I/AAAAAAAABXs/Ee9w7N6bmWw/s640/IMG_1662.JPG" alt="" width="640" height="520" /></p> <p>Great-tailed Grackle<br> <img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-d6RgHcRzzfA/U0WrxMO4ifI/AAAAAAAAB9s/dwL8Kf2BaMs/s640/IMG_3924.JPG" alt="" /></p> <p> </p>
  16. <p>Well, the Spring bird migration is at a close, and the summer heat, humidity, and mosquitoes are here....so its early morning time again. Went out practicing panorama shots at sunrise. This isn't great but certainly a pretty Memorial day dawn on Galveston Bay.<br> 9 frames<br> Canon T2i<br> ISO: 800<br> Exposure: 1/2 sec<br />Aperture: 6.3<br />Focal Length: 24mm<br /> <img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-9r26Qhzu5y4/U4N3vAjw7bI/AAAAAAAAC1Q/F7LBdcH7CZs/s800/Untitled%2520pss%2520bolivar%2520sunrise_Panorama1%2520100dpi%2520reduced%25204x24.jpg" alt="" /></p>
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