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Everything posted by robert_bowring

  1. [ATTACH=full]1255923[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]1255923[/ATTACH]
  2. I was out shooting yesterday with my Rolleiflex 2.8 E. About half way through a roll of Tri-x I was advancing the film. About halfway through advancing to the next frame the crank stopped and would not move forward or backward. I got the film out in the darkroom and now the crank will move forward and backward but it does not seem to be cocking the shutter. The shutter does not work at all. Any ideas of what happened? Who is the best to send it to for repair?
  3. Welcome to Trumperica. What did you expect?
  4. I was cleaning out a darkroom cabinet the other day and found a Komuranon-E 75mm f5.6 enlarging lens. I can not recall why I bought it or how long I have had it. It appears to be well made and is in good condition. I did an internet search which was not that helpful. Opinions ran from it being a piece of crap to it being better than Leitz, Schneider, Rodenstock or Nikkor. Some said it was the worst lens they ever used and some said it was the best lens they ever used. Has anyone here ever actually used one?
  5. Put a little lighter fluid into the slot and slowly and carefully worked it back and forth and it came free. Thanks. I think that I should have it CLA before I use it. The shutter speed ring and aperture rings are stiff. Anyone have any advice on how to do it or any advice on any repair shops that still do it. Thanks again.
  6. Good point John. But for me it is like an itch that I can not scratch. It will drive me crazy until I either fix it or break it. The camera is in really nice condition so I really do not want to screw it up.
  7. I can push it in but it will not move. I think it may because it has not been used in a long time. I don’t want to try to force it but I am running out of fingernails.
  8. A friend just gave me a very nice Canonet QL 17 G III. Everything works but the asa adjustment lever is stuck at 200. I can not get it to move. Any ideas?
  9. My Girl the Temptations
  10. Everything is "an unreliable medium for a beginner". That is why you keep doing it. Eventually you will learn to make it a reliable medium. Anything worthwhile doing is worth taking the time to learn to do it right. I don't think that making a good digital print is any easier than making a good print from film. It is just a different process.
  11. Thanks. Great article. I saw Blow Up and immediately wanted a Nikon F. Got one in 1971 and am still using it.
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