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Image Comments posted by kris_haskins

    Enchanted Lily


    Very nice 'feel'. I seriously doubt that anything was _wrong_ with the lens, development, or printing. The soft, glowing effect that makes this image special can be caused by opening the lens all the way up and placing a reflective subject against a dark one. The shallow DOF (possibly combined with slight 'mis'focus) creates a halo around the highlights. A soft filter (much like the nylon stocking idea) will also do this.

    It is fairly obvious that you have an attractive photo here.


    I can't really say why, but this one works better than your 'what's she hiding from' shot. I'm not crazy about it, but I like this one more than the other. Maybe it's the monochrome, maybe the tone, maybe the slightly more subdued pose. I'm not sure. Keep it up, I think you are on to something here, and I want to see where it leads you.


    Pretty pretty please with sugar huh? :) What is it you dislike about this image, Jill? Other than the technicalities that have been posted already I don't see what you could possibly 'hate' about this photo. If you have the facilities, I would like to see a nice clean scan from a crisp print, but other than that ...


    This is my favorite of the three (and maybe the rest of your portfoilio at the moment). She seems to be introspective, making me wonder what she is thinking. Nice tones on her skin too.

    Teen Sania

    The lighting caused a very dark line under her eyes. I personally find these lines unattractive, and would have liked a different lighting geometry to soften those shadows. Other than that, I like this photo. She does indeed have interesting eyes!
  1. I've been watching you add pictures for a while, and I have to say that I enjoy this piece a lot. I think it is because this is a style that I don't get to see much outside of old photo books. There really isn't much distracting in the photo, and everything is used well to set the scene. This is a very successful portrait, with my attention drawn to the two men more than anything else. Keep them comming, I enjoy seeing your photos.


    I like the tone of this photo. I also like the cobble-stone background. I find the shoe and the whatever-that-is in the lower right corner distracting. I don't recommend cropping them, 'cause that kinda throws off the balance. Just keep it in mind when shooting; small things that you don't notice tend to appear distracting in a print.


    I don't care for the right side, so if you cut it down the middle I'd take the left side :). The lighting is better on that side, and I like boats.


    I don't see why this couldn't be used on a postcard. Personally, I think the butterfly, in the midst of the rich texture of the leaves, looks a little flat. You may (if you even want to) be able to experiment with lighting to change this.


    I actually think the door is much more interesting than the ladder. This image has a very nice mood which I find attractive.

    bumble bee

    I also think that the flower petals in the foreground are distracting. Without them you would have a very striking and clean (without distractions) photo. As it is, I still like it :). Your DOF isn't too restrictive here. Often time it is though, so it is prudent to take care and always know how much DOF you have.

    Dogwood Solitude

    I agree that this photo seems to stand out from many of the other flower pictures. I think the composition is what makes it so. Your use of tone is interesting. The selective focus is nice too. I would like to see a tad more detail in the petals, and I think the flower would still stand out well in its background.


    Excelent image. This is currently my favorite from this folder. I like the skin tones, and the soft texture. I've read through the comments on your other photos, so I know that you _don't_ want the model's face in the shot. And that is fine; it would drastically change the image (for good or bad?).

    macro corner

    I think you have done a nice job capturing the subtle texture of the petals. Since the tips of the petals are not 'normal' it presents a slightly different picture than the many macro shots of flowers out there.
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