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Everything posted by iosif_astrukov

  1. I live in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe and unfortunately the Chromira machine that worked at one place here closed down - due to low quantities and economical reasons Can you please give me some places that still print on Chromira machine and I could sent files and receive prints by post? I found out some print houses in USA but the prices were… way out of space for me! once here the prices were even lower than the inkjet print (like Epson or HP) also the shipping cost will be much higher from the states thanks in advance
  2. <p>one more vote for Nikkor 50mm 1.2<br> some test shots here - <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3akmexHeHI_SkhaYjRheVlFWnM?usp=sharing">https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3akmexHeHI_SkhaYjRheVlFWnM?usp=sharing</a></p>
  3. <p>Didn't they announced 100 ASA film… I do remember the 64 ASA Tungsten, but never have seen 200 ASA or 400 ASA Ektachrome? Were there once such films? <br> I think Elitechrome had 100 and 200 ISO versions… <br> Last on the market were 100 ASA G and VS versions… <br> My personal tribute to the great VS<br> <img src="http://ioshertzweb.appspot.com/images/E100VS.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  4. <p>So so so amazing… I was hoping to revive it<br> this was one of the best films EVER!<br> I am interested now which one will be - the G, GX or VS - VS was superior! <br> And lets hope the price wind't be so high...</p>
  5. <p>YEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!<br> It's baaaaaaaaack!!!<br> I can't believe it!!!!!!! <br> <a href="http://www.kodakalaris.com/en-us/about/press-releases/2016/kodak-alaris-reintroduces-iconic-ektachrome-still-film">http://www.kodakalaris.com/en-us/about/press-releases/2016/kodak-alaris-reintroduces-iconic-ektachrome-still-film</a></p>
  6. <p>105 is very useful length - not only for portraits - I literary use it for everything… <br> here is an example:</p> <p><img src="http://ioshertzweb.appspot.com/images/treekristal.jpg" alt="" /><br> <strong>Nikkor 105 DC</strong></p> <p>originally on film, Kodak BW 400 for C41, already gone, but it wasn't good anyway - the first one was very very good, the second they made wasn't good </p>
  7. <p>very nice :) <br> if you have an opportunity - try the 105 DC - my favourite :) <br /> I still look now and then on the 135 DC version - I still think it's worthy having it also, although reviews are contradictory</p>
  8. <p>thanks :) <br> I am thinking of these options for quite many years so… maybe I will wait some more ;) <br> they are getting better and better… we will see :) </p>
  9. <p>I was tempted to try it for some underwater photography, but I come up to the conclusion that both won't create a good quality photo… </p>
  10. <p>I made a diagram with all the contacts and stuff - but in Bulgarian - if someone wants he could re-write it in english and post it - here is the psd file - <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3akmexHeHI_ckhXUTZ3alUzSDQ">https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3akmexHeHI_ckhXUTZ3alUzSDQ</a></p>
  11. <p>I watched some reviews that compare both cameras… beside the colours and contrast, which are easily manipulated in Photoshop, the only real difference is the resolution and the frame proportion… for still photography<br> also GoPro has some kind of RAW file, but none comment it… they are interested more in the video modes, which is logical - they are mainly for video<br> but I was curious if the resolution of both cameras are real - most of the times they are interpolated in this kind of small cameras<br> what do you think? or have any experience? </p>
  12. <p><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=4303235">Andrew</a> - no, my mistake - no body with the rear and upside tab… :) I searched now and didn't find any :)))) </p>
  13. <p>WOW… I re-read everything on the first link you post and I got it! Quite a mishmash they had created!<br> Than I googled some models just to see what they have or doesn't - it is really… some bodies have both the upside tab for AI and the rear one for detecting the minimum aperture on AF/AF-D, some have only the rear one, other only the upside tab, some have the ability to lift the upside tab, and some have non… what a mess actually… </p>
  14. <p><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=4303235">Andrew</a> thank you!<br> I am not sure I understood everything you explained, a lot more technologies and changes obviously have had occurred on the F mount and aperture control than I thought, I will try to analyse the links and photos more carefully later</p>
  15. <p><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=869561">Matthew</a> - is it possible to show a photo of this ring or tab you are talking about? or you are talking about the same tab that on Df is made liftable? <br> I am surprised you like the 200 f4 so much - usually it is considered not very good, or maybe you are using it with macro rings? </p>
  16. <p>Thank you <a href="/photodb/user?user_id=4303235">Andrew</a> :) </p>
  17. <p>thank you :)<br> do you sell one or...</p> <p>anyone knows what is this about?<br /> <img src="https://scontent.fsof2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p417x417/15542367_10154931738859009_4237093284501379069_n.jpg?oh=1e5ff48cbe440f7e7d844bc7e58179d0&oe=58F1D9AD" alt="" /></p>
  18. <p>hm… so you think Nikon needs a larger bayonet? <br> these days I am looking on ebay for old lenses - there is one 105 2.5 which is really gorgeous but the price is… like on a 105 DC… about 500$, I can't post the link here it's forbidden </p>
  19. <p>that's a nice setup ;) <br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/cinematography2.0/photos/a.195754207136805.49921.195610820484477/1226291594083056/?type=3&theater">https://www.facebook.com/cinematography2.0/photos/a.195754207136805.49921.195610820484477/1226291594083056/?type=3&theater</a></p> <p><img src="https://scontent.fsof2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15400582_1226291594083056_4954315723856048000_n.jpg?oh=b3916af26bf299cc06cd26451d01e6bc&oe=58B3F1A6" alt="" /></p>
  20. <p>you call 'footballs' to the opposite of the 'cat eye' right? </p>
  21. <p>yeah… the cat eye coma defect I also don't like… but vignetting could be very very nice sometimes - it's what I like a lot on the 50mm 1.2 when shooting on 1.2<br> btw - anyone shooting with the 135 f2 DC ? I read quite different reviews on the net today… </p>
  22. <p>wow… you got a collection… you need the last two - AF-D the DC versions and the new 105 1.4 ;)<br> the ones with the metal hood are the newest right? like this one - <br> <img src="http://www.photosynthesis.co.nz/nikon/ais13528.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  23. <p>the one on the left… how many 105 Nikkors there are? <br> actually you are right - the price of this lens on ebay is about 250$, in good condition</p>
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