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Norman 202

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Norman 202

  1. all the images i've posted have been 1000px along the longest dimension
  2. I think people need to be more patient. This is a very idiosyncratic site and squeezing all that functionality into a mainstream, yet flexible, framework will take time. Hopefully not too long.
  3. i've managed to change the background (safari, ios10, iphone)
  4. i can see all the forums and threads when logged out but have to log in to create or reply to a thread. i'm permanently logged in day after day and have to specifically log out to be logged out. I have Safari remember my login details
  5. You can grab the address of the photo page - here's one of yours, https://www.photo.net/photo/18337945/Untitled - is that any use?
  6. David, the window that allows you to choose a photo is the dialog box
  7. No, you should be able. The images I just loaded came from my tablet's hard drive. I'm sorry but I can't think why you can't load the jpeg. Do you have a problem with all jpegs
  8. ok, it's just a different looking dialog window. when you click on a file do you get something like this that allows you to specify thumbnail or full image?
  9. Dieter, you do have it. It's on the black banner running across the page below the photo.net logo. Next to Conversations
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