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Image Comments posted by solamnus



    Glad you like it Jim:) Yeh was a genuine moment so im happy it shows in the picture. I was happy it came out like it did with the drops etc too. I get happy looking at it myself remembering the time we had there at Koh Chang.

    /Thanks, martin.

  1. Thank you Jim, yes indeed it is my daughter. She will probably b quite tired of any camera in the future hehe. I have folloed her with it since she was a baby. Like most parents do i suspect. Even so she makes for such a  good person to shoot sometimes, she unintentionally shows off such great expressions and emotion. It really reflects her persona. She is either Sunshine or thunderstorm, seldom anything in between.

    Cheers, Martin.



    Really nice black and white capture. Great story that is dripping from the "ink" of this picture. I love the perspective and also the light, even if the boy is a little backlit and dark it dds to the mysticue of him almost sneaking away to eat that juicy tomato as soon as he can as to not miss the opportunity.

    Great stuff.


  2. This one is a personal "favorite" or something that just moves me to be honest. And im not sure if that comes across at all for others viewing it. But the day i went out in Paris to shoot, it was pouring with rain. I happened to pass this graveyard that was sort of nestled in between the citylandscape in a  part of Paris. It looked as if they had just started to build the city around the graveyard, which to me seemed so sad. I went inside it and walked around and saw a lot of beauty and sorrow in the place. What struck me most of all was this particular place of the cemetery, with the women. I stated to cry watching it. It was omething so sad about the look and state of it, with the rain pouring down on top of her, squeesed under that busy bridge i dared sneaking my camera out for just a few shots and wanted to remember it. For me i can feel that everytime i look at this photo. Im glad the camera seemed to survive the rain as well...

    /Thank you jack, martin.



    Thank you Jack, this is such a wierd picture and moment for me. It was one of those moments where the universe align to be able to snap that creative picture that did not exist there a moment earlier and the moment after would be gone.

    When she had passed and i had taken the photo of her and the strangely creative place, i just knew that was Andy warhol in my picture and he was framed by something that could have bene his favorite street if he was there in real life hehe. Bizarre. But im happy i passed that street and that the universe let me have that glimpse!


    Yasmine, Linnea


    @Michail. Thank you for the kind words. Yes they are allready growing up so fast before my eyes. Yasmine just started preeschool( 6) and next year she will be in 1st grade which is incredible. Linnea is allready showing some signs of getting bigger, the words are getting bigger as her will to defy a lot of our rules hehe.

    Even so, im happy to be a part of it all, and as you say i will try to treasure every moment i can.




    haha, yeh im not sure i ever did! Im happy i brought the camera that particular day. It was during halloween. And the funny thing is in Sweden that weekend was always reserved for the dead and lighting candles on the graves of our dead. So we where at the greatest cemetery in sweden which is also like a national treasure because its in a big forest. Its pretty famous worldwide for its beauty. So i always bring the camera to snap some pictures while im there visiting my fathers grave. But this year Halloween coincided the same day even, so the kids rather wanted to dress up than visit dusty graves hehe.

    Even so it was a very pleasent day, the weather was great( cold sunny autumn day). So i got some very good opportunities along the way to just snap away at my daughters that portraiyed both joy, sorrow and thoughtfulness. An this one was something in between i guess that i had luck getting before she was bouncing of in another direction;)

    Thank you Jack.

    Clown at dawn


    thank you Jack:) hehe yes this picture is a bit on the mysterious side i agree.

    I think that is something i really wanted with it. To tell a story but not something that would be obvious but rather something that would make the viewer a bit perplexed wondering what is going on.

    Im glad you liked it. And as always for you great commentary!


    Future is insecure


    Hi, just browsed through different photographers work and this one caught my eye as well as several others you took of children. I really like your stories you are trying to tell with them, and i can relate to the tone of sorrow you have in them. This one in particular made me stop and think.

    Great composition and use of tone as well as a greta expression.

    I can also relate to the actual story and words as how quickly life can change i the blink of an eye. And i think most people can when they start to get older, realizing after many years that it will always be those random twists of fate.

    I like to think there is some meaning to it all, and i can also definitely se a pattern and a hidden meaning in many cases throughout my own life having gone through those hard times.


    Critique wise, the only thing id like to be different is her jacket. Somehow i feel the modern and bright look to it makes me want something a little more "timeless" or solemn. But that is just my own reflection and thoughts on that.

    Great work. Martin.

    Native People - 1


    Hi, I really liked this image of the Native american. First of i have to admit i always liked the Native Americans and their culture, so that definitely sparked my interest. But also the portrait is great. Love the B,W and the mans facial expression. It really makes for a great representation of what i feel is an aging Native warrior with his pride all intact.

    Nice work, Martin.

    Yasmine, Linnea


    I took this snapshot of my daughters one day when we were in Stockholm.

    The reason i still like this picture is because it for me really show me some

    of their personality. The little mystic smile of Yasmine to the left, and the

    shadow of sorrow in Linneas eyes to the right. It is not like that all the time,

    but in that exact moment it showed through the ordinary fasade of day to

    day life. That is what i love about photography, the essence for me.


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