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Image Comments posted by storie

  1. Thanks for the suggestion Benjamin. I went ahead and tried that. This is one of those pics I didn't really notice at first, but just grew on me the more I looked at it. I am glad to have another thoughts on it. I like the cropped version that you suggested and I may play around with the crop a little. Thanks again for helping me out.

  2. Hi Ross. I have some old film shots of places like this. I really like the mystery and story behind images like this. I like this one a lot. The subtle colors and great lighting add to the atmosphere and mood of this. beautiful and sad. Very nice job. Always makes you wonder what happened that they would just never come back.

    Wasp - caba


    Wow! He is a scary looking dude. Not something I would want to run into in a dark alley. He looks like he means business. Interesting subject. Excellent job on the detail. I also like the straight on perspective you chose.



    Very nice image. You exposed the image to soften the background just enough to highlight your subject. The colors and expressions are very natural. The image tells a story and I love the fish. He looks like he is about to say something to the viewer. It makes me happy! very well done.

  3. Beautiful image! Wonderfully emotional and striking image. The shadows and light on the child's face are perfect. I did notice a little black marking on the left side of the head. I am not sure if it is a hairband or some sort of reflection. Otherwise an amazingly beautiful photo.

    Acadia Lighthouse


    Hi not normally a debater but I thought some of the comments were interesting. Keep in mind that I know next to nothing about post processing. I don't even own Photoshop. I just experiment with some things I can do with Picasa or with my point and shoot canon. I have no problem at all with strongly Photoshopped images. I have seen some amazing surreal images on this site. That said, I notice that the theory with some people is if a little saturation is good a lot is better. If a little HDR is good a lot is better. For me that really isn't the case. I think you both hit the nail on the head and sort of missed the point with the comments about evoking emotion. Not every image will evoke emotion with every individual. I know that many of the images I have taken and like, and evoke emotion for me, may just look like bad photo's to others. However every good image, weather post processed or not, should evoke emotion. for me the key whether "just a pretty picture" or a more post processed picture is to convey the emotion you feel, to the viewer. If you can do that you have succeeded. The "just a pretty picture" is where some go wrong. They may take a photo that is technically perfect and of beautiful scenery but void of emotion. Very rarely can post processing fix that. In fact over processing or bad processing can actually take away from the emotion of an image in some cases. On the other hand they may take a photo that isn't as technically perfect as some on this site, but succeeds highly in evoking emotion. Naturally, I would love it if my photos succeed on both levels, but if not I'd rather they succeed at the latter then the former. A good example of that is actually one of your other photos "Forest Sunlight". It is not as technically perfect as some of the giants on this site (Not an insult as there are some phenomenal photographers on this site, not to mention it is better then anything I have done in my opinion) but I think it definitely conveys the emotion you were trying to convey.  I really loved that photo. I think it was very well done very good choices. Judging from the few photos I looked at it you have good instincts.  Keep at. If you love it don't stop. Have fun and enjoy the journey.



    Thank you both for your comments. I was going back through some older stuff and came across this one. It jumped out at me and I really liked it. It's always interesting what you see when you go back and look a second or third time. I am glad to get others opinions on it. Always grateful.

    Acadia Lighthouse


    Agree with Alf. The choices are nice except the post processing. I bet this would actually be a nicer shot if the post processing was toned down a bit. gorgeous shot with great composition though. Would be interested in seeing what the original looks like.

    No 154


    Wow! awesome. You shot this out the window of a car! Were you simply driving by or did you execute it that way on purpose? Either way, Great catch.

    Dawn Reward


    Very interesting image. Beautiful color and reflection. Interesting contrast between the harsh intimidating power plant and the pristine beauty of the sky and water surrounding it. Agree with Larry about the irony and impact here. Your efforts definitely paid off here.

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