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Image Comments posted by storie




    Thank you so much! what a wonderful detailed comment. It is exactly what I am looking for. I am am very digitally and technically challenged. I have learned a lot on here about composition just from looking at the images of the many talented photographers on here. But most of my images are just instinct. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. A lot of times I feel like I could have a better image if I had  better equipment, such as a tripod and SLR. Or if I had little more knowledge of how to get the most out of my camera and post processing. I am also struggling with how to get good prints. I live in a very small town and can't find anyone who can process a picture that is not a standard size without messing it up. I am able to print some smaller color prints on my own but if I want a little bit larger print or a black and white I have difficulty getting those printed properly.  Compliments and direction from those with such vast experience really give me confidence to keep at it. I am so appreciative of all the time you took to explain this process to me. And knowing I have seen others praise your skills, it means that much more to me that you would take the time to help me.

    'The Grain Train'


    Thank You John. I am trying to improve the best I can with what I have. Which is a little cannon powershot 1400SD, no time, no money and no equipment, and a lot of rural space. Hehehe. But there are those who have shot amazing photos with less. Because of that though, your encouragement in respecting my contribution means a lot. I am here to learn and improve, but also I  just love it. I do love your original black and white horizontal. I think it would make a wonderful very large art print for a show. You really captured the power of the train through your point of view. The larger the print the better. Wonderful angle. Thanks so much for your encouragement too. And no worries about the name. Every time I see the word broadband, I do a double take thinking it's my name. lol

    'The Grain Train'


    Hi John. I definately do not have photo experience that most on this site do and reallly could use help. That being said take my critique with that in mind. This is definately a great photo. Love the lines and contrast. I did agree it would also be interesting as a vertical on the right side. I played with it a little. let me know what you think. Hopefully I can get it to upload with this comment.


    Reykjavik harbour


    I really love the blue gray color. That beautiful lighting and color give the image a very dramatic feel. Even though I LOVE the color I am also curious to see how it would look in black and white.

  1. Hi Cal. I have photo's like that to. But I like this to. It has a nice composition. It is also has a quiet calming feel. The subdued colors work nicely and the lighting is really quite wonderful. The trees actually appear to almost shimmer.  Truly a beautiful picture. And aren't the ones you keep looking at and don't know why the best : )

  2. John, I love this. I always feel weird critiquing other's photos because I am definitely not as good as the photographers Im commenting on usually. This is a great capture of a sweet moment. wonderfully done. I think it is vignetting on the edges. I am not sure. It works well to frame the subject. I might lessen it slightly because it is pretty strong just in the upper left corner and draws your eye away from the subject. Great shot.

  3. Hi Christal, This is wonderful. I agree with the decision to give more detail in the foreground as well. I think if it had been left without the detail it would have been too harsh a contrast and taken away from the subject. Your images in general are amazing. The lighting and clarity is spectacular. 



    I am very surprised no one has commented on this. I love the character of his face and intense blue eyes. I am not sure if the background blur is post processing or not, but if it is I might lessen it a little. The wall art (I am assuming that is what it is) may be a little distracting but the green in the wall may bring out his eyes.  Also a very close zoom right up on his face may be interesting. Great subject. 

    No leaves left


    I appreciated this photo. Of course trees are a favorite for me. This though looks like it came out of a story book. The color and detail is simply phenomenal. Haunting and beautiful.

  4. I liked so many of your images, but I keep coming back to this one. You have wonderful instincts. What a wonderful out of the box eye you have. I also like how in some of your pictures you put your subject very far away sometimes almost out of the picture. It creates a great atmosphere, and unique point of view.

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