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Image Comments posted by storie

    Fall Snow


    Hi I am definitely not one of the pros on here as far as critiquing someone else. However I appreciated your comment about being here to grow. I feel the same way. I liked this photo. I personally love trees reflected in water and the reflections are very well done. I think this photo has potential as a crop and also a black and white. I would enjoy playing around with it.



    Thanks Jim. The original was the first image I ever submitted for critique. Someone Suggested I make it more dramatic so this was one of my experiments in trying to make it a little more dramatic. Glad you liked it.

  1. Hi Jim. I liked this photo. The trees seem to be leaning over, reaching out for the last bit of light. They almost appear human like. This looks like it could have been a difficult shot to execute but you captured the effect very well.

  2. Thanks Mark You are right it does look flat. I put some contrast in it and it seems to help. The problem with my printer though is that it does not print the detailed parts of the images. For instance the grass in this pic would just be all smeared together. The ink seems to bleed when I print in black an white and I lose all the details.

  3. Thought I would give this a try. working on my black and white. Thanks

    for any comments. Also would love suggestions for getting good black

    and white prints. My printer does a poor job on black and white

    especially if I have made any changes. I live in a very small town and

    can't find anyone who will correctly print a picture that is cropped.

    Natures Shoulder


    This image instantly captured me. Absolutely gorgeous. I love trees to begin with, but this is especially well composed. All the entwined branches pop out. It looks as if you may have lit this with car headlights. I am curious if the light shining on the tree is from something you did or was already there? I am wondering what affect different types of lighting would have on the image. If this tree is close by, it would be interesting to play with different lighting effects.



    Hi Cal.

    I liked this image. Very simple but it drew me in. I could't stop looking at it. There is just something about it that I can't put my finger on. It has a timeless quality. Like a classic piece of literature. It is the real deal.  I don't think a lot of people will click on the thumbnail. It is a shame they may miss this.



    No crystal, doesn't sound crazy at all. I actually have several more shots that are closer up like that. I will have to upload one here. They are a little brighter than this one. When I did the holgish effect, to tone the blown out sky down, it sort of muted the color of the tree. I ended up kind of liking the effect though. I will have to try playing around with one of the other shots that are closer to your idea. Thank you so much for commenting and taking a look at my pics. I always appreciate advice and different viewpoints. I am learning a lot just from looking at people's work but love it when I actually get feedback on specific photos.

    Hide & Seek


    I don't critique a lot of shots because I know little about technique. Hence, why I started to post and look on this site because I can see the value in  improofing my technique. However, I'm in it because I love the view. I take what I see. And what I see here is a one of a kind, great shot that could not have been planned, where no amount of expesive equipment, software, tripod, or education on composition matter. Just pure natural capture of a wonderful moment. Just the art of seeing and capturing the story. In my opinion, trumps technique any day. As far as technique goes, who says what the right amount of detail is, or that the more detail the better the image? Maybe the same people who think more saturation is always better? lol Personally, I like it exactly the way it is. Beautiful shot!



    Thought I would try my tree and see what people think. I had trouble

    with my sky blowing out. I am limited in software. I just have picassa

    so I tryed out blurring the edges with holgish. Any comments or




    Thanks you very much for your critique. I appreciate constructive criticism. I will try your suggestions. Right now all I have to edit photos is picassa. I am looking into elements or something with more options than picassa offers.



    I risk unpopularity and by no means am I even half as good as Joseph, but I disagree with changing the postprocessing. I can almost see cloning the rocks, However I think the contrast of light and dark is what makes this picture excellent. This is a true piece of art. The composition is excellent. More importantly the story is excellent. I appreciate unaltered truly skilled photos that show incredible talent with the camera. I also appreciate gifted graphic artist. I appreciate those who can create poetry with either. This is poetry.



    I love the clouds and colors. I know I am inexperienced but your potfolio has to be one of my favorites. I absolutely love clouds and color. Your work with both is phenominal. I love the dramatic sky in this photo and the way you use the light to capture all the different tones and textures in the clouds.

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