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Posts posted by james_f6

  1. <p>Well, I for one don't read anything at the moment other than the Minolta/Sony forum thread. So it is the first time I have seen the post in any case.<br /> Get the Nex 5n. Why?? because I like it more than the other ones you listed. Buy the Nex 3 if you don't want to spend more money, otherwise take your pick between the Nex 5 models.<br /> After all most features people don't use, they just take pictures.<br>

    On a side note about posting in multiple forums. I did this once on a health board site. I posted a health issue then realized that it was under the wrong section and posted it again in that correct section because I could not change my original one. Suffice to say I received a terse moderator email saying I had violated some rules and to be more sensitive because there were real people with real concerns and posting multiple times did not help.<br>

    I was a bit shocked, because I was a real person with a real concern about my health and did not mean any harm. But there you go.</p>


  2. <p>I have seriously been considering buying a Canon 5D Mk3 with some type of lens and flash unit when I get the money. It would not be a move to Canon, it would be an adding to my Minolta, Sony collection.<br>

    The way I use my gear now, is when I am out and about I usually grab the A700. When I go on a set photo trip I take my A65.<br>

    I was on the brink of buying a second hand Nikon D90 off ebay recently because it was going cheap, went for more than I was willing to pay for the camera and lens. But I felt the urge to get more, lol.<br>

    Take away the A65, the rest of the stuff in the picture combined would not even hit the $800 mark second hand. Looks a lot, but not much value money wise.</p>

  3. <h3>G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)</h3>

    <p>I was going through my stuff today and realised I never have sold or given away my Minolta, Konica Minolta or Sony Gear, it's STILL ALL MINE. Of course these pictures do not include my non Minolta/Sony Camera, or any of my extra lenses, flashes, accessories. I would need a wider lens :)<br /> From Left to Right</p>


    <li>Konica Minolta 7D (My Favorited Design of a Camera, a real man camera, with that Grip.)</li>

    <li>Konica Minolta A2</li>

    <li>Sony A700</li>

    <li>Konica Minolta XG</li>

    <li>Sony A65</li>

    <li>Minolta 7xi (7xi suffered from that grip coating issue where it peeled and turned sticky, thus I removed the coating.)</li>


    <p><img src="http://www.james-images.com/photos/i-755BXRX/0/L/i-755BXRX-L.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="378" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://www.james-images.com/photos/i-6r3SQv7/0/L/i-6r3SQv7-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://www.james-images.com/photos/i-d6Vxwht/0/L/i-d6Vxwht-L.jpg" alt="" /><br /> <strong>I LOVE THIS CAMERA, with Grip it feels like 3kg in weight.........</strong></p>

  4. <p>I have decided on one of the following 2 lenses. I have only ever heard and seen good things about them. I am pointing towards the Sigma one at the moment.<br>

    <strong>SIGMA 18-250mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM Lens </strong><br>


    Examples I found here<br>



    <strong>Tamron 18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD</strong><br>






    <h1> </h1>

  5. <p>My Konica Minolta 75-300 is apparently the same as the Sony one, and I am not impressed with it. It just does not inspire me. Unfortunately I don't have the money to buy any of the better ones from any brand at the moment. Cheap ebay looks to be my only option.</p>
  6. <p>I think in a way it's good I missed the auction wins. I think I was caught up in the nostalgia of it all.<br>

    If I did not already have lenses that covered that range I may have went for it. But I think I will give it a miss unless I can get it for $100.</p>

  7. <p>Yeah I was meaning the 70-210 f4 lens, comparing it to my 75-300.<br>

    I bid on one a couple of days ago on ebay, but it was 4am the auction finished and $130 was my max bid and went for $132.50 when I woke up in the morning, so I missed that bidding war.<br>

    Last night another was up, so I put max $130, and it ended up going for $197.50, which was way over my price range. <br>

    I could of got one, but it was missing the lens hood, so I did not bother with that one, as I don;t want to go searching for a lens hood, which also can go for anywhere up to $50 which is insane.</p>

  8. <p>Hopefully I can get some replies within the next 5 hours<br>

    I currently have a Konica Minolta 75-300 4.5-5.6 D lens. (which is apparently the same as the Sony Model, the non G version.)<br>

    But I am also looking at getting the Minolta Beercan version. But I hear apart from the build quality my current one gives better results from what I have read in reviews.)<br>

    Is the beercan something special, or is it more of a myth.</p>

  9. <p>I suspect that the question stems from the current subscriber popular photography magazine we get with the Photo.net subscription and their story about B&W.<br /> It stated in the story that if your camera is capable that you turn your screen to B&W if it is capable. Some camera's apparently no matter what mode you shoot, will only show a B&W image on the back of the LCD.<br /> It has nothing to do with conversion. It's about shooting in whatever mode, but simply seeing it as B&W on the LCD. I am not sure if the A900 does that. My Sony A700 and A65 does not. The only way is the special effects in JPEG mode. but again that is not want he wants.<br /> He wants to be able to shoot in RAW or JPEG with colour files, but only see the image as B&W on the LCD.</p>
  10. <p>From memory when I used this camera the only way was to do it in creative style. Not sure that feature works in just RAW, but if you select Raw + JPEG like suggested above. It may. Just doing it JPEG though will remove the colour and that is lost forever.</p>
  11. <p>Hey,<br /> I am wondering if anyone has any experience or opinions on the following two lenses. I am looking to buy one, they are both around the same price and range, but the Samyang 85mm f1.4 is manual, but I am hearing very good things about it to examine it in addition to just getting the Tamron.<br>

    Basically I am looking for a portrait type lens, the macro feature on the Tamron is 'eh' I have macro lens I can use already. Just looking at the the Quality.<br>

    <br /> The Autofocus issue of the Samyang 85mm f1.4, or the lack of it, does not bother me as the portraits and even still life shots will allow for the time to manual focus, and hey also to use what is the best feature I have yet explored "FOCUS PEAKING" on my A65<br>

    <br /> Relevant links are below to the lenses I am looking at.<br /> Tamron SP AF90mm F/2.8 Di Macro<br /> http://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/astore/Tamron-SP-AF90mm-F28-Di-Macro-11-Lenses.aspx<br>

    <br /> Samyang 85mm f1.4<br /> http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ODS-Samyang-85mm-f1-4-Portrait-Lens-for-Sony-A200-A230-A350-A450-A550-A850-A900-/200867229838?pt=AU_Lenses&hash=item2ec49eb08e&_uhb=1#ht_5701wt_1397</p>

  12. <p>Every time I use a tripod I keep forgetting to turn image stabilisation off, I never knew early on having it on could cause image blur. Apparently you are suppose to have it off for Flash, I wonder why Sony just does not deactivate it when used with Flash. </p>
  13. <p>Interesting "David Smith" if your comments are the path that Sony is going to take then I really sorta Despair somewhat.<br>

    If the main course for Sony is their Nex models then it sort of leaves a lot of glass out in the cold in the future. <br>

    My future with Sony will be judged on the SLT models they bring out next. If they do not bring out another full frame sensor which caters for the lower end full frame market, just like Canon and Nikon have, then I really don't see a future with Sony.<br>

    My future is with a company that is going to make DSLR type camera's and more so Full frame will soon be the norm I think.<br>

    The biggest mistake Sony can make is to move away from the SLT models and also newer full frame models. If they do, then I would consider them only a mass market camera maker, and nothing really serious for the pro's.<br>

    I have a feeling you maybe right, because lets face it their previous Full frame models were not well supported and died off quickly.<br>

    Of late I am always having in the back of my mind that a move to Canon when I have the money is becoming more likely. Sony make some nice camera's but they are just not taken seriously by photographers on mass, Canon and Nikon just have so much on the market with regards to anything you attach to the camera.</p>

  14. <p>It all comes down to use and handling. For a professional the SLR design is just more easy to use. Take action sports, having a Nex with a 400mm lens is just not usable in constant use. You need to be able to hold the camera.<br>

    Canon and Nikon will not drop their mirrors anytime soon. And mirror-less camera's will mainly be the domain for the mass consumers. <br>

    It's one reason I use SLR's / SLT's more than a compact. I prefer to hold something more than something that is tiny.</p>

  15. <p>Make sure you have the latest firmware installed. I know the last two corrected issues with certain lenses. If that does not work then maybe send the camera and lens to the repairers and see if they can figure it out.<br>

    I would suggest latest firmware be the first course of action. All I hear are good things about this lens and the A65 and A77.</p>

  16. <p>I don't have any issue on my A65, The EVF is fine in low light and sunlight.<br>

    As for the LCD on the back in sunlight or direct sunlight, well it is the same as others, anything in 'direct' sunlight will be hard to see on the back of the camera. That's why you would use the EVF just like you would on any other digital camera.</p>

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