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Rick Helmke

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Everything posted by Rick Helmke

  1. I have the 80-200/2.8 D push pull, two of them actually. I use them on my D800 and 810 with no problem. I really like the color rendition I get through that particular version. As for autofocus speed I never paid attention but it does the job well without my noticing it so it must work well. Pricing isn’t bad either. Rick H.
  2. That lens will do but there are better options. I’d go with something like the Tamron 28-75/2.8 which I’ve had a lot of success using or perhaps 28 and 85 primes. These can all be purchased at reasonable prices, especially used. Another good one is the 24-120 which might actually fill your needs a bit better but can be pricey. Rick H.
  3. Did anyone here honestly think this was going to be a smooth transition overnight? I certainly didn’t and am not surprised at the speed bumps. I’ll check in most days as usual but I doubt things will get sorted out before the end of the month. Rick H.
  4. There’s two F2’s on the front floor of my truck, on the road early in the morning. Who knows what I might see? Rick H.
  5. I’ll be on the road early in the morning so there’s an F2 in the front seat. Rick H.
  6. If I recall it was a Canon 20D. Yes I spent some time on the dark side due to evil influence . This was made the way most of mine are. I saw it and shot immediately with no real attempt at setting up or any implied meaning. It simply looked right the way I saw it. This is the site of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. If I have any attachment to the place it is because a family member by marriage was one of the first responders there. Rick H.
  7. As I recall Kodak created hybrids based the Nikon N90 and a Canon body as well. I guess it worked reasonably well for its time though limited and expensive. I’ve thought for years that a digital F2 is something I’d go for quickly, not that it would be any more or less practical but it is a layout I know well and continue to use. Of course Nikon already did something similar and I’ll never see a useful digital F2 but I can dream…… Rick H.
  8. I’m not a computer expert by any means, I use them mostly because I have to. I use laptops because I want the mobility and my newest is about three years old. I’ve not added much in the way of software and don’t store many images there but when it was brand new it would boot up in a matter of seconds. Now it takes two or three minutes to go through whatever crap was downloaded in updates that were not optional. I’m an OTB and when I just want something that runs without asking a lot of questions I get out a Windows XP machine. It boots up quickly and simply works. I still have a Windows 7 that I can turn on and go have lunch while waiting on it. Shutdown isn’t much better. This is why I still enjoy film. I spent less time developing 7 rolls of b&w Ilford one or two at a time this afternoon than I spent trying to get something done electronically. Rick H.
  9. This looks like it was done back in the 70’s on something like Plus X. I’m a nut for b&w film and while I wouldn’t have put the man in the center I still like this for it’s basic simplicity. I think it tells a story but it’s a different story for each person who sees it. Rick H.
  10. I simply stick to one password for everything. I’m not too worried about security, there’s nothing sensitive on any of my computers to steal. I store all photos in three or four places, very few on a computer and no information at all dealing with account numbers and other private information. Rick H.
  11. I would shoot with an F2 or an F4s set in spot meter and expose for the highlights. Two zoom lenses like a 28-75 and an 80-200, f2.8 if you have them. TriX would be my choice for film. Take a digital body and see what exposure works at ISO 400 and you’ll know what to expect from film. I’d you want to shoot color then honestly go with digital. Different color temps on stage lighting can drive you insane but auto white balance solves that problem. I live in a college town and have shot theatre and live music in a variety of venues since the 80’s soi understand your concerns. Rick H.
  12. I don’t have a photo of either but I suspect it will be an F2 or an FT2. Rick H.
  13. Allen I think ‘she’ did a very nice job on that photo. Please tell her I am impressed. As for the subject at hand, based on what I read I think she is the one who created this image and Corbett was really just a basic technician. The problem with all of this is that it is turning into such a big pi$$ing contest that when it’s over nothing have been decided and only two people will care while everyone else will have gotten tired of the fuss and won’t care. Rick H.
  14. I like the Mindshift series, mine can carry two bodies, maybe four lenses, a small laptop and assorted ‘stuff’ that seems to follow me around. You may well run into a weight issue when flying but otherwise it travels well. I’ve discovered though that it can be secure or have quick access but not both at the same time. Rick H.
  15. Yeah it’s pretty simple, like q.g. said, set the flash to expose about a full stop under your primary light source. It takes a little experimenting and may change from one situation to another but you can preview and adjust as needed. After a while it will come naturally and you won’t really have to think about it. Rick H.
  16. I don’t have photos of them but I broke out an RB67 and finally finished up a roll in my Contax RTS today. Both are quite pleasant to use and I feel the need to use some b&w chemistry and get my safelights warmed up. Rick H.
  17. I’m sure I’ll be able to buy used DSLR bodies for some time. The major manufacturers unfortunately have dropped support for nearly everything after a few years and I doubt that will change. I have no interest at all in ditching everything and starting all over again, mirrorless isn’t showing me anything groundbreaking and I see no need for it. In my lifetime we have gone from well built long lasting cameras and lenses to equipment that isn’t expected to be around more than 4-5 years. It seems to be a trend in all markets and that’s a sad state of affairs. Rick H.
  18. I like it a lot, it appears to be an image found along the way, not a setup shot. Yes the highlights in her face, left hand and some of the background are blown out to my eye but the detail in their hair and his shirt drew me in instantly. Rick H
  19. I recall using Panatomic X for a project that was going to be printed larger than 8x10 and needed to have good tones and less grain than Tri X which was an everyday film. We were also shooting 35mm, didn’t have good access to a Hasselblad in those days. I liked it and wish they would bring it back. Rick H.
  20. Not to be argumentative but my iPad that I am using right now doesn’t have a USB port. I had to deal with this exact issue a couple of years ago. My solution was a small lightweight Dell laptop and both a stand-alone hard drive and a couple of thumb drives. Not much space on the computer but it does what I want, fits easily into my bag and cost less than $200. Rick H.
  21. Camera build quality is where I think this started. While my D4 is well designed and well built and functions quite well the same can be said about the F2 and F4s. Still I’m pretty sure the F2 could beat the crap out of the other two. It runs on common batteries and is smooth as can be. Rick H.
  22. John I got an Ambi Silette from my Dad and it’s still going strong. Generally speaking though, whose lifetime? Rick H.
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