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Everything posted by AmyHelmick

  1. Thanks, Marco. I've missed PN. Life in Tennessee remains busy, but I hope to be to participate a bit more consistently again. Thanks for looking. Amy
  2. AmyHelmick


    Lex, reading that title made me literally cringe. So, I guess you could say it's effective. Then I started looking at more of the photo detail. At first I thought a dusting of snow, but it's really a dirty window, isn't it? Like many of yours this gets more interesting the longer you look. Amy
  3. AmyHelmick

    Cat dreams

    Feline Pilates. Amy
  4. AmyHelmick


    Copyright: ©2015 Amy P. Helmick. All rights reserved.;
  5. Copyright: ©2015 Amy P. Helmick. All rights reserved.;
  6. AmyHelmick

    Bird and Halo

    Copyright: ©2015 Amy P. Helmick. All rights reserved.;
  7. I love this one, Ray. There is a subliminal (?) breakfast here. The shape of the sink is that of toast. I noticed that in the thumbnail even before I realized these are egg-shells. An image quirky enough to make me happy. Amy
  8. <p>I got mine. It is very nice. Thanks for the suggestion.</p>
  9. Ha! Wonderful find, Jack. Amy
  10. Okay, now I've read the preceding comments. This shot doesn't make any ethical alarms go off for me at all. Of course one would normally not take shots where there is an expectation of privacy; I just don't think this man's privacy has been breached in any way- he is not at all identifiable, truthfully all we see is the back of a man in costume. The assumption of his activity is contextual only. That's my two cents. Amy
  11. AmyHelmick


    I agree that the mood in this shot is very well presented. It is one of my favorites of yours. In fact, it's going into my favorites folder. Amy
  12. I'm a sucker for good geometry and good shadows. Well seen! Amy
  13. John, I haven't yet read the above comments. I just wanted to say that this one is just great! I love the humor of it. Visually the pop of red in the neutral ground is wonderful. More to point, I love the way this shot levels the playing field: even "Grandfather Frost" has mundane humanity to deal with. Amy
  14. AmyHelmick

    Helga und Claudia

    I can't believe I'm the first to comment on this one. To me this is a very powerful image about the varied roles of woman-kind. The archetypal Madonna and Whore are what first came to mind, there's also evidence of a laundress. The real woman who must balance all of these roles ties the theme together very nicely. Wow. Amy
  15. AmyHelmick


    There's a sensuality here; most natural. Amy
  16. This one really works; the high contrast and the horizontal sectioning perhaps? Whatever the formula, it's a really nice one, Lannie. Amy
  17. <p>It's on it's way from Amazon. Thanks for the recommendation.</p>
  18. AmyHelmick


    I love the strong graphic in this one, Drew. It is not until later that the moon makes it's soft appearance. I really enjoy photos like this one that have layers of content. "But wait! there's more...." Very nice. Amy
  19. I love everything about this one. The color palette, the color blocking and, of course, the interesting blur. Very nice, Lannie. Amy
  20. AmyHelmick

    Amish Child

    This is a beautiful portrait, Lynne! Amy
  21. AmyHelmick

    Partial Hysterectomy

    Raymond and Mark: thanks for adding your thoughts; much appreciated. Amy
  22. AmyHelmick


    I didn't say before, but I really like the psychedelic colors on that soda can all blurred in the background. It just goes with the overall other-worldly tenor of the shot. Amy
  23. AmyHelmick

    Feed for a thriller...

    My eye keeps wandering all over the different textures, trying to make sense of the surreal image. BW presentation is a good choice. Amy
  24. It's like watching a cartoon come to life. You know, the ones where the character runs into a wall and it leaves an impression of their face? This cartoon is about a gorilla. Amy
  25. I like her in the sepia presentation.. It's really amazing how many variations on a theme that you find. This one is especially nice.. Love Jack's description..
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