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Everything posted by AmyHelmick

  1. This is a well-conceived composite, Ray. Very cool. Amy
  2. I am fascinated by that faint yellow stripe; reflection? Also the ghostly blur on the left. I love this one, Jack. Amy
  3. I'm so glad you just didn't walk by this one, Jack. The blue tones are beautiful. Amy
  4. This is a really nice abstract, Marco. I would've never known what is is without the title. Amy
  5. AmyHelmick

    Autumn sun

    Sun, moon, and stars....very nice. Amy
  6. AmyHelmick


    I love this one, Michael! I'm a sucker for signs, I guess. But, really, who doesn't like LUNCH ? The BW presentation really works well here. If I'd seen it, I probably wouldn't have even thought of BW, but it is really, really nice. Amy
  7. Jack, I am always fascinated when the same or similar shapes and elements show up in a body of work. I just couldn't help but notice the similarities in shapes between this one and "It All Seemed Terribly Meaningful..." that showed up right next to this one on my feed. This one reminds me of a caricatured old man with a bright idea. A fun piece. Amy
  8. I think I like this version best. Suburbia with juxtaposition. Amy
  9. This one is really nice, Lannie. Obviously, the lighting is great, but I think the composition and framing really put this one over the top. The balance of repeating rectangles that are both the same and not the same keeps pulling my eye. Amy
  10. AmyHelmick


    I'm liking the contrasting yellows. Amy
  11. Who'd have thought a parking space could look calm and welcoming? It's more like a queen-sized bed with a cat curled at the foot. Nice! Amy
  12. Fred, thank you for looking and for that beautifully worded critique. Amy
  13. AmyHelmick

    Angle of Repose

    This has such a beautiful sculptural feel Dana; a Grecian Goddess. This is another of your pieces that is simply breathtaking. Amy
  14. AmyHelmick

    Abstract 10

    This is a wonderful abstract, Dana. It's like a flower not yet unfolded. Amy
  15. That might work, but the red VW is an integral part here I think Amy
  16. AmyHelmick

    'Trudging II'

    John, you have once more depicted a hard existence with such care and respect that is arouses compassion and sympathy/empathy. Who of us hasn't had aching feet and the tired to the bone feeling? Yet, I suspect not many of us to the degree that you have depicted here. I usually find these images of yours hard to look at, but they are always moving. Amy
  17. AmyHelmick


    Embryonic. Amy
  18. I agree with Lannie on this one. I'm going to need to Yannis' lead and look up Aubrey Beardsley. Your work is always a (pleasant) surprise, Jack. Amy
  19. AmyHelmick


    Wouter, this one really is outstanding. My first impression was that of sheet aluminum curling back (like from the old style sardine cans), but then the triangles are not properly aligned for that image to ring true. I keep looking and looking. I don't know why it is so appealing, but it certainly is. Obviously, very well framed. And, of course I agree with everything that Jack already said so much more eloquently. Amy
  20. This one is really nice. I might be tempted to brighten the reds just the tiniest bit, but it would be easy to push it too much. The tips of red on the leaves is just the perfect touch here. Really, really nice one, Lannie. Amy
  21. Sometimes the title just adds so much....love it! Amy
  22. This shot conveys all of that: loud, harsh,cold, no real comfort in sight. It's all about function here. Amy
  23. AmyHelmick

    Hanging Onion

    Thank you, Stephanie. I appreciate your input. Amy
  24. Thanks for looking Stephanie. The skeleton key is a good analogy I had not seen. Thanks for your thoughts. Amy
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