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Everything posted by jekamobile

  1. Thank you very much @Franz Weber!
  2. jekamobile


    Vincent. I think the presence of a human in the photo brings a little bit of life to it. Not necessarily a human interaction with nature, if you know what I mean, but changing the vector of picture comprehension: I try to drag the viewer's attention to the thoughts of that person in the frame - putting yourself in his shoes. Thank you for your sustained interest, it is always a pleasure to read your comments!
  3. Hi, Vincent. You are most probably correct about ZEN vs DZEN as there is might be a linguistic issue. Sometimes I simply translate not correctly from my mother language. That day was very fruitful in terms of scenery and changing conditions. We had everything: amazing sunrise, fantastic coffee at the lodge, and surprisingly astonishing foggy moments after. (I didn't expect to photograph after breakfast). Thank you for your interest! Cheers, Evgeny
  4. jekamobile


    Thank you very much, Giangiorgio, for your interest and comment!
  5. Views of Emerald Lake are impossible to recreate. Every next moment is different and never returns to the original stage. Foggy mornings are fantastic there. They deliver certain moods and calmness to your mind just a step from the condition we call DZEN
  6. jekamobile


    Hi, Mick. I am glad you appreciated the photographer's presence! Thank you for the comment!
  7. jekamobile


    All of us are waiting for that right moment to push the button...
  8. jekamobile

    Hoodoos Country

    Milk River running through Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park in Canadian badlands across the border with Montana, US
  9. jekamobile


    Hi, Vincent. Thank you for your opinion and interest. Star tracker is a device mounted on a tripod and specially positioned against Polaris. Its head spinning at the same speed as Earth speed making stars still. As a result, you have no limits for exposure time. It is totally different league of photography. I look forward to mastering this part.
  10. jekamobile


    Thank you, Todd!
  11. jekamobile


    Hi, Wayne. Thank you for your interest. Yes, there is some additional device was involved. I used a star tracker to get a cleaner sky look.
  12. jekamobile


    Thank you, Giangiorgio, for your interest and comment. I spent a couple of nights catching meteors in the sky while taking photos of the Milky Way.
  13. jekamobile


    Meteor shower over Sheep River in Kananaskis Country, Canada
  14. jekamobile


    One of the attempts to frame the Milky Way with a meteor approaching to the galaxy center. This is a one-shot photo with settings: ISO 800, 14mm, 118 sec, F/2.8, Sigma 14-24 Art lens, MSM star tracker was used.
  15. jekamobile

    Patagonian Glare

    Wayne, thank you very much!
  16. jekamobile

    Patagonian Glare

    Hello, Vincent. Thanks for your visit! This is a photograph from my Patagonia archive. I am trying to master my editing skills and shovel the old photos I never touched. Editing is like a muscle that always requires excersizing. The longer the break the more difficult it is to bring editing back to "spec" (if you know what I mean)
  17. jekamobile

    Golden Yukon

    Hey, Wayne. Thank you for your clarification and comment. May bad - mixed the highways!
  18. jekamobile

    Golden Yukon

    Hi, Vincent. It was a very bright day full of golden terrains. Two days after a brutal smoke came from forest fires. We traveled only 90 km back and forth on Dempster highway to get a backcountry park orientation at the local info center. Thank you for your interest and comment! Cheers, Evgeny
  19. jekamobile

    Patagonian Glare

    Glare is not always a bad thing
  20. No gravity image with meticulously performed details. Cheers, Evgeny
  21. jekamobile


    Very gentle and intimate image. Well done!
  22. jekamobile

    Willow warbler

    Hi, Vincent. You precisely caught the moment: with great details and colors of a scene. No less important, the background perfectly fits the frame and complements the main subject giving the picture a volume. And excellent monopod operator skills!
  23. jekamobile

    Golden Yukon

    The fantastic view of the Yukon foliage. The small peak far away is a famous Tombstone Mountain, our destination. I took this photo just standing on Dempster highway (740 km of unpaved road to Alaska). S
  24. jekamobile


    Thank you kindly Karl!
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