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Everything posted by jekamobile

  1. Thank you, Giangiorgio, for your interest and warm comment.
  2. jekamobile

    DREDGE #4

    Northern lights in the sky of Yukon. Historic site - Dredge # 4 at famous Bonanza Creek near Klondike Commissioned in 1913 and up to 1959, this wooden-iron horse continuously ground many thousands of tons of rock in its bowels, separating the gold particles from the mud. Until now, gold prospecting work is being carried out in these places: some are serious with technology and firm intentions to get rich, and someone for the sake of fun, having bought special washing trays-plates in Dawson City nearby, was fond of this topic and could not unbending, crawl along the streams.
  3. Oh. Thank you, Wayne, for such a nice comment!
  4. jekamobile


    Hey, Vincent. Good to hear from you. Thank you for stopping by. It is a pleasure and honor for me! I do agree that without windmills it was a lovely pastoral with cows and fields. However, these industrial monsters do not scratch my eyes at all. Probably because they already almost retired in comparison with those fancy white windfarm units with a modern fancy look. Sincerely, Evgeny!
  5. A lone tree with Milky Way on the backgound. Patagonia's vistas near El Chalten, Argentina. Light painting. One-shot.
  6. jekamobile


    Windmills in Canadian prairies. Rainstorm clouds in the sunset light
  7. jekamobile


    Hello, Vincent! I had a feeling you suggest the crop as I was thinking myself about, it when I was working on image. I tried and didn't like it, as square almost ate all details I wanted to keep in the dark sides of the image. Thank you for your comment!
  8. jekamobile


    Thank you, Giangiorgio! This is our Canadian jelly fish!
  9. jekamobile


    Sunray propagated thru the air above Lake O'Hara and showing its real water color
  10. jekamobile


    Hi, Larry. This time of the year you can drive over them as ice is thick enough. Yhanls for your interest.
  11. jekamobile


    Old abandoned house near Vulcan, Alberta, Canada. Really, time-framed and nailed by it. Like hundreds of other old structures in rural Canadian areas, this one will collapse one day
  12. jekamobile


    Methane bubbles embedded into the ice of Abraham Lake. The minutes after sunset
  13. jekamobile


    Hello Vincent. Happy New Year! Thanks for nitpicking! I appreciate that and will keep in mind what you said. Honestly, I didn't go to that precise point yet. BTW, I trimmed the last Patagonian picture as you recommended to remove the white rock. It really looks better now. I will follow your lifehack in regards to the description also.
  14. jekamobile


    The model is gorgeous! Her look is jeopardizing, indeed. I think it would be better to have her eye and lips in a focus, rather than the tip of her nose. IMHO. Cheers, Evgeny
  15. jekamobile

    Very nice, indeed.
  16. jekamobile


    Interesting processing. I like the colors and framing.
  17. jekamobile


    @Jeff Filler. Yes, indeed. Survival skills are outstanding. Thank you for stopping by!
  18. jekamobile


    What is going on with the handling of the posts on this website? The description content for the picture appears to be trimmed every time the picture is uploaded. Annoying!
  19. jekamobile


    Have you ever thought about how difficult it is for trees to grow on rocks? It takes a long time for vegetation to bite into that meager patch of dirt, stuck in the cracks between the rocks. Wind and rain create this thin layer of soil, sufficient for roo
  20. jekamobile


    Hi, Vincent. I also found a similarity in yours and my approach to observing the subjects. It turned out, we are often on the same page. I always listen for your valuable opinion and compare it with my thoughts. Quite often they coincide. The only difference, I do not verbalize them often to others, as they might trigger a negative reaction. I don't like an artificial and flattering response for the purpose of making a mutual favor (if you know what I am talking about). In your particular case, I always meet professional and trustworthy feedback and use it in my future works. Thank you for keeping eye on my works, Vincent. I wish you the best in New Year! .
  21. My boss told me about this when he was in Hawaii years back. That time he mentioned something about shooting a commercial
  22. jekamobile

    Rice terraces

    Very nice picture! I like that diagonal look and hidden in the fog hills with more rice terraces. Rice basins look sharp and cool.
  23. jekamobile


    Hello, Vincent. It is a very inviting picture with details, which I as a viewer would like to explore. Looks like an incredible place with lots of history. I like the way you introduced it - my eye is simply walking away and returns through the ceiling and travels back again. Well done!
  24. jekamobile


    Hello, Rosario. I am glad that my image can nudge you and make to think about something else but the beauty and magnificence of the mountains
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