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Image Comments posted by jekamobile


    Hi, Vincent. I always appreciate your detailed criticism. It makes me have a look from a different perspective, "out of the box" sometimes. Which is great and thank you for doing that. You motivate me to do better photography. It is an amazing thing that you follow precisely the route I am building in my shots. You have a great artistic eye. Cheers, Evgeny



    @Wayne Sadler.

    Thank you Wayne for the comment! EXIF is as follows 10mm. f/8, ISO 640, 1/40 sec. Focus stacking from two shots. During the processing, I realized, that I needed an exposure bracketing. As the dynamic range was quite wide and I was trying to prevent my sky from being washed out. As a result, the foreground is darker than I wanted (there is a noise seen). Cheers, Evgeny



    @Giangiorgio Crispony.

    Thank you very much, Giangiorgio! Your attention to my works is highly appreciated. Cheers, Evgeny



    @ Vincent Oiseau.

    Hello, Vincent. You are the most dedicated reader of my photostories, indeed:) Thank you for being such a loyal yet constructive reviewer! As I answered Philip I agree with my misrepresentation of the top portion of the photograph. My best regards, Evgeny



    @ Philip Turner.

    Thank you, Philip, for your constructive feedback. I agree with your statement as I simply missed that spot, making the front visually more attractive. Cheers, Evgeny

  1. Hi, Vincent. T%hanks for your review! It was a very windy day. I like this particular location as it is embraced with trees and inside is more or less the rees are calm. The taller trees though still can move. It was quite challenging to catch the very moment of total stillness. Cheers, Evgeny.
  2. @Vincent Oiseau.

    Hello Vincent. Thank you for your detailed and warm feedback. This is a rare situation when an image was built the way I saw it and visual details create the fuel for thinking over the meaning of this photo. I love when I managed to direct people to think the same way I did when creating this image. Cheers, Evgeny

  3. @Wayne Sadler.

    Hi Wayne. I am really pleased that this image attracted your attention and made you think about the details. I chose that image over the rest as those trees created a leading line for the shot (IMHO) and they demonstrate the inevitability of their fade. The longer they stay in the water, the fewer chances they have to stand straight and survive in general. Sad story.

  4. Hi Giangiorgio. Another awesome shot of those beautiful birds. This is called a photographer's luck when a such unique situation occurs - almost ideal simmetry. You can master your shot probably a little bit longer than usual when birds are still. Flamingos probably looked at you first and thought: ha, we know this guy, no worries, we are safe to sleep with him around. Only that strange clutching noise. What is that?
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