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Image Comments posted by jekamobile


    What is going on with the handling of the posts on this website? The description content for the picture appears to be trimmed every time the picture is uploaded. Annoying!



    Hi, Vincent. I also found a similarity in yours and my approach to observing the subjects. It turned out, we are often on the same page. I always listen for your valuable opinion and compare it with my thoughts. Quite often they coincide. The only difference, I do not verbalize them often to others, as they might trigger a negative reaction. I don't like an artificial and flattering response for the purpose of making a mutual favor (if you know what I am talking about). In your particular case, I always meet professional and trustworthy feedback and use it in my future works. Thank you for keeping eye on my works, Vincent. I wish you the best in New Year!



    Hello, Vincent. It is a very inviting picture with details, which I as a viewer would like to explore. Looks like an incredible place with lots of history. I like the way you introduced it - my eye is simply walking away and returns through the ceiling and travels back again. Well done!
  1. Very nice, indeed! I like how the dune line was developed and how it was framed. Probably, I would add more contrast to the sky as the clouds nicely continue the sand line from the left bottom corner. All the best and Happy New Year! Cheers, Evgeny
  2. Vincent, you always meticulously observing the image and give another expert look or different angle of view. This is highly appreciated! You are totally right, I simply didn't notice that bolder. Thanks. Happy holidays to you and all your nearest and dearest! Stay warm and safe!


    Hi, Vincent. Honestly, I never thought about this picture from the reading perspective "left-right". I just liked the view. But, thank you I am really pleased that you favorited it. Thank you!
  3. Hello, Vincent. Thank you for your valuable comment! You got my idea of lines in the sky and grass and loneness! However a house doesn't seem small to me. In reverse, in my thoughts the perspective and slight distortion make it to look bigger (as per my own perception)

    Yes, sir. New camera is great. I enjoy to work with manual knobs and dials, like an old school camera. Also its brain is a top notch and very comfortable to work with settings. It has some features that my Canon missing big time. Yeah, the newest recent Canon release beats everything, however it is not in my price bracket yet ;)


    A laconic shot with a story behind. Minimalism is one of my favorite styles in photography. Your shot is catchy and pleasing for my eye by its composition and fading colors.
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