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Image Comments posted by Uhooru



    The joys of (fairly) wide angle lenses.  You can see so much more when you see it like screen size.  Anyways, local swap meet at Orange Coast College and I often ride by in the afternoon on my bike when they are tearing it down, and the place is always a big mess, tons of trash, goop leaking from the food trucks, blech!! The bag is the one reason I put this one up, gives something in the foreground at least, and a taste of post-apocatswap-meet dystopia!



    I know what you mean.  I wonder if PN is a color managed space. The same thing doesn't happen on flickr or even on Face Book. Even B/W photos loose their zing here.

    Buildings... 141


    Ruud, this is different from what I usually see in your work and I really think this is great! It has such a dream like quality, reminding me of the surrealists. Very hot!



    Fabulous Steve, you are exactly right.  Not sure of the exact spot but you have the conditions correct.  I spent my youth body surfing in the OC, mostly 38th St Newport (big sandbar), later the groins when they were built, Brooks/Oak streets Laguna Beach, sometimes Salt Creek (had to sneak in those days), Cotton's point (the Nixon years western white house formerly the Cotton mansion, we used to change into our trunks in his specimen garden, never got hassled, though there were weird humming noises of electronic EMS of some kind and of course he wasn't there) and some of my buds had body surfed the wedge when big.  



    thanks Wayne, I think:)...but all true as far as photo elements...so as you can imagine, this was impromptu. She popped out the bar saw my camera and struck this pose  We are talking in all about 3 seconds.  But when I saw the "I dream of Genie" shadow behind her, I had to max everything out.  So Cal in summer has really harsh light, and so you have to kind of learn to play with the shadows or you will go crazy.  Yes all  And its the USC Trojan football team and very important in Orange County:)

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