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Image Comments posted by Uhooru


    Nice use of the body to say something besides "naked". I'm not sure what that is, but I really like it. All the formalistic stuff etc. Curious as to what your getting at? I know a picture is worth a thousand words, but some times the best pictures launch a book.


    When I came across this photo in the critique section, It didn't strike me at all, because the thumbprint was a little distorted but, I was just curious to see what camera and film you used to get the colors or if it was digital and photoshop etc. When I clicked and got it larger so I could see, I realize what a lovely photo this is!! Nice layout, and color works to accenuate the overall composition. It appeals to me alot! Thanx.
  1. I have to agree with Rich, you Boll!#%!...I can't believe how good your photos are. I love your landscape colors, and I particularly love your people shots/compositions. Doesn't matter where, when, what camera..just lovely compositions, tonality and great moments caught. I too am digging H.C.B. but Jaysus why bother :)

    BTW did you like shooting the Leica? I'm using a Fe2 and the loudness hasn't been a problem yet,I'm just trying to figure out how to get the shots.

  2. Magnus, were thinking the same ideas!!! I definately am itching for some good pub compositions. Especially with like a Pint and Instruments etc... as well as players, when I'm not playing. I like this shot, and seriously, I have had thoughts about some of these kind of shots. Also, Magnus, it looks like, at least from the view on my screen, that the film did a pretty good job for you. It doesn't appear that grainy at all and where the fiddle is in sharp focus, it picks up the fine detail of the wood grain and surface patina really nicely.





    I really like this shot as it really captures the tension of the moment as what looks like a big curve ball coming in. This is not a criticisim, but I would just love it if you could see the seams on the ball clearly, that would be so cool!

    Anyways I like it.



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