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Image Comments posted by Uhooru

  1. You are one of the effective purveyors of the art of words and pictures here on p.net, one of the great genres (genres?) of photography.  It adds a whole dimension. But even if you take the photo on its own. Its really cool. A picture of the ordinary but just presenting it, gives it life. reminds me of stuff by Stephen Shore a little bit or even Eggleston, though its not so color oriented, it certainly is "Democratic".  Where was this taken?



    Well, to be honest, not particularly, but when I scanned the film, that is how it came out, so I played with it:). This was one of those ephemeral moments that I was lucky to "be there"... the birds formation, the cloud and the amazing feeling of that day. It was blowing like crazy, and there was sand in the air.  I had to take photos between gusts to protect my camera/lens.



    I posted it for a thread on Street & Documentary, something like things you would never have seen in the 20th century:)  So this was taken back in March I think.  Jack, they're still asking who this guy is! WTF!

    after the beach


    John is a skilled photographer who is capable of making really good photographs, but I've said it before, too much of his work is taken with a long lens from a distance with little engagement or context. I'm certainly not the end all be all, but I think with John's skills, if he tried more often using wider angle lenses, like a 35m for a while, it would really change his perception and his photos would take on more interest. Some of these long distance shots of admittedly beautiful women, seem a little pervy. Of course John, please do as you like, but you might just consider what I'm saying about street photography technique. 

  2. I had a teacher in school in a photo book making class, and one of his assignments was to make a (small) book using the theme of words and images to inform each aspect.  Now you get a lot of ranting about pictures should stand on their own etc. but I always thought he had tapped into a solid tradition.  Well, no one I know does this better than you. The title and this photo make each other.  First I looked at the photo, and I thought ok, interesting and then I saw the title, and I'm still chuckling.



    Thanks Jack, the place at night is a sandwich of smells, colors, sound, crowds, neon flashing lights stuffed between slices of barbecue and fried ice cream. 

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