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Image Comments posted by Uhooru

  1. Love the Tripod composition plus 1 (viewer). It seems just a snap shot of a buddy, but it has the quality of being caught in the act. And the prime witness is the seemingly nonchalant cluck cluck in the background. Really the elements add up to a little vignette in the story sense.
  2. Nice, I like interplay between solid form, shadows, texture and abstract shapes, makes for an interesting visual stew and plays with perception of what is important. The object, the shadow's it cast or the shape not created by shadow.



    Elmo I've always liked this photograph. It was either this photo or another similar photo I saw of a man, maybe this man, in the same position on a rolling cart and he was on a religious journey that he required himself to basically crawl or roll in this manner for a really long distance on his pilgrimage   writing sayings all along his path. But if this isn't that photo, I like it just the same.  I don't think its disrespectful at all nor exploitive, in fact its just the opposite.

  3. I think whatever the individual's in the back ground physical gender is, I think it just adds another element of the great juxtaposition of the people in the photo and the tension it creates.  Assuming its a guy dressed up as a woman (or wearing a kilt:) or just on a budget, the stance is really cool, I love the way people's stance says so much about what they are thinking, or feeling and how you can suggest a story by just looking how a person's posture is.  And the girl young, very nice looking and in action is such a nice contrast in both action and other factors. it both creates tension between the subjects but also, in that special way the camera does, creates a relationship, at least visually. Nice photo indeed!

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