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Image Comments posted by Uhooru

    Hi Bill, I don't have any other way to contact you as I lost your email address with a new computer. For some reason, I cannot access any forums in photo.net while logged in. I can see my photos, upload photos, comment on photos but get a server error when I attempt to access forums while logged in. I can see and read them when not logged in. It seems no one on photo.net seemes to have noticed I haven't posted on the POW for weeks now. Ah well. Just wanted you to know I haven't left, I just am now relegated to being a forum ghost:). I've contacted moderators and photo.net several times. Moderators tell me they've contacted tech support etc but no one seems to be home in terms of running the website. So there you go. Thanks and sorry to gunk up your stream, but I didn't know how else to contact you.

    Thanks Jack. It was fortunate that the light was just right, coming through the trees to make this an "enchanted" forest. But I too was ready to lie down in that little nook having just hiked up 3500 vertical feet and back down it when we came to that spot.


    Thank you so much Jack, I would say exactly the same about your own. I always appreciate your remarks. When you have some thing critical to say, you say it intellegently and in a way I can learn from it. And it nice to see someone appreciates your photos from time to time. I'm sorry I don't get around to other's stream's enough. I have you followed and Wayne and etc. But for some reason your photos don't pop up like they used to.
  1. I like the anthropomorphism of this, a specialty of yours. These look like if you asked them how many kids they have, they would pull out a wallet-full. I like the recognition of the possibilities and bringing them out into view. Nice one.

    Heroic Scale

    I have leap in on the side of the one you chose. Cropping it and the tonal adjustments make it a more striking image with an interesting contrast between the peeps and the sign/text. I saw the comment re "heroic" and that has sort shaded my view of the photo as I can see that perspective. He could be protecting her from Godzilla!

    I love this and its such a great photo to look at both just from its visual impact but also in sort of analyzing how its put together and some of the choices you made. First thing is just looking at the impact of the lighting. I'm not sure I just like it, really really like it, or wonder what it would look like a 1/4 to a 1/2 stop down, but the more I look at it, the more I'm really liking the "hotness" of it and how though near the edge, the lighting holds together and enhances, or actually is a big part in creating the visual impact. Then the composition on this is brilliant, particularly the way you used the lighting, colors and textures of skin, cloth and leather to create bold, cohesive abstract spaces. The make up, hair all that looks really coherent and frames her beauty perfectly. Just a treat! Thanks.

    Thanks Wayne, nice like usually will. Sorry it took so long to respond to you kind comment.

    Thanks, Jack, and that is exactly the problem with this particular event. Sooooooo packed really hard to get a clean background without a lot distracting elements. Good exercise in trying to visually isolate subjects. I think my favorite in the group is the man in the mask.
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