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Image Comments posted by plangereis

  1. Very nice shot, Paolo.  Your work really has such moodiness.  Once again you have created a strong contrast texturally between the sky and the sea.  The long exposure really works in capturing the movement of the water around the rock in the foreground, which I like centered.  The cloud patterns and lighting in the sky are to die for.  Thanks for sharing this one.

    Anchor point


    A very nice long exposure shot Paolo!  I love the symmetry, and I think you have found great balance in the amount of dock etc in the frame.  The details in the foreground are excellent, and I love the tonal range.  Lastly, I found the contrast between the textures in the dock wood, and the sea and sky really enhanced the dock foreground elements, and create a great mood.



    This shot is of the old front entrance to the Vancouver Art Gallery,

    which used to be the Vancouver Courthouse. I caught this man checking

    out one of the lion statues that flank the stairs leading to the old

    front entrance. Please comment on composition and tonal range.

    Thanks so much!

  2. I took this shot during a downpour, and had my camera and tripod setup

    under a small umbrella. Could you please give me feedback on the

    composition and tonality of this shot. Thank you.



    Thanks for the comments, Mike, Amir, and David.  David, the reason there is no reference to the water is because I used a polarizer and shot straight down to eliminate most of the reflection.  The small amount of reflection disappeared when I crushed the blacks in Lightroom 2.  Any tiny traces I burned out using the adjustment brush in Lightroom.  Cheers guys.



    Beautiful landscape.  I love the clarity, and colours.  The clouds hanging above the two peaks remind me of hats on the peaks.  The reflection is also unreal.  It may have been nice if you could have brought out more detail in the dark treelines, especially the one on the left.  Beautiful shot, though, and thanks  for sharing it.



    Another great shot!  Te colours are to die for, and the composition perfect.  I also love how the stick piles lead your eye into the shot.  The icing on the cake is the dramatic sky, which you seem to have a lot of where you live...Lucky you!  The lighting in this shot really brings it to life.  When can I come to visit this beautiful place?  : )

    Tatra Mountains


    Hi Piotr.  Having recently found an affection for B&W imagery, I really like this shot.  I was not sure about certain aspects of it until i viewed the large version.  The details are amazing, and the lighting provides a really moody feel.  I especially like the areas in the foreground that are illuminated by the light filtering through the beautiful cloudy sky that also emphasized that dramatic feel.  I feel that the composition also has nice balance.

    Whiterock Pier


    I am very new to this site, and would appreciate any feedback on this

    photo. It was shot last December in the early morning, and i liked

    that the frost showed up on the pier planks. People were walking

    slowly as it was very slippery, and I used a 2 second exposure to

    intentionally blur the individual who passed by.

    When I Grow Up


    I also like the perspective this photo was taken from, and think that it really enhances the idea behind the title. The child's expression conveys trust in the person he is looking up to, and also the feeling that he understands, or is beginning to understand what being older (an adult) means. I love the fact that the child is opening the door, which for me is very symbolic with opening new horizons associated with growing up. The fact that the teddy bear is not in the child's hand(s) and still on the floor could also suggest growing away from being a child, and looking forward to growing up. The tonality of this shot is great as well, and B&W works very well as it focuses the viewer more on the child, the child's expression, and the symbolism in the image. I find that the image being B&W tends to leave the image more open to interpretation as well, which is what I was reading in other people's comments, although there seems to be a general feeling on the theme etc. I agree that there could be better separation between the door and floor with a little dodging and burning, and this could have created a stronger leading line into the shot, but that is my bias, and this does not detract from the image. Nice shot! I especially like the use of a vignette, which i am usually not big on.

  3. Beautiful image, Bob.  I don't think you could improve on this one.  At first i was not sure about the placement of the boat, being in the centre, but it works nicely the more I look at it, and reinforces balance in the image.  Nicely done.




    Nice lighting and composition.  You timing with the opening in the clouds framing and silhouetting the trees really makes this a striking image.  I love the contrast between the clouds and foreground elements as well.The one thing I thought that may have strengthened this image even more was if the land in the background (lower left edge) could have been slightly brighter to provide a little more definition, and possible create a little more depth in the shot. 



    Beautiful lighting again!  You have a great eye for balance in your composition Stjepan, which is consistent in all your images I have seen so far.



    Wow!  This is a very nicely composed image, and the lighting to die for.  you have done a very masterful job at blending the exposures, which is something I have yet to try.  Great balance in the composition, and I agree that clouds would have added interest in the sky, but may have also detracted fro the subject.  Nice!

  4. I love the lighting and composition of this shot, but tend to agree with what Deborah said about that small hot spot on the edge of that protruding element.  It tends to lead your eye a little away from the strong stairwell line.  I think the viewers eye would be more focused on the journey up the stairs to where the light is filtering in from above if that pesky hot spot was burned down ever so slightly.  But then, that is only one person's opinion.  Like I said, the shot is excellent in every other aspect.

    Inland Crawl


    Hi Steve.  I am new to this site, but will provide my two bits worth. I love the image.  The exposure, composition, and mood are perfect.  The title is very appropriate as well, and , as others have mentioned, the colours awesome.  I do not think you could have done anything to better this image.  Thanks for sharing it!  PS: Your work is very inspirational for me, and your images are very professionally presented.  Cheers.


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